Troubleshooting Guide

This guide is to help in the event you encounter issues while using Batch Shipyard. You can also visit the FAQ for other questions that do not fall in to the categories below.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation Issues
  2. Azure Batch Service Issues
  3. Compute Node Issues
  4. Job/Task Execution Issues
  5. Docker Issues

Installation Issues

Anaconda Python Environments

Anaconda Python environments are structured differently than standard CPython environments. Anaconda has isolated environments which are conceptually equivalent to Virtual Environments and also have separate packaging mechanisms than packages traditionally found on PyPI. As such, special attention should be given when installing Batch Shipyard into an Anaconda environment. It is highly recommended to use an Anaconda environment that provides Python 3.5 or higher if using Anaconda. In general, it is recommended to use CPython especially when installing into virtual environments (the recommended installation method) as the command lag can be much shorter.

However, if you do plan to use Anaconda, then it is recommended to use the script to install on an Anaconda environment on Linux and the install.cmd command file to install on an Anaconda environment on Windows.

Azure Batch Service Issues

Check Azure Batch Service Status

If you suspect possible Azure Batch service issues, you can check the status of Azure services at this website.

Compute Pool and Node Issues

Resize Error is encounted with pool

Resize errors with a pool can happen any time a pool is growing or shrinking. Remember that when you issue pool add, a pool starts with zero compute nodes and then grows to the target number of nodes specified. You can query the pools in your account with the pool list command and any resize errors will be displayed. You can also query this information using Azure Portal or Batch Labs. If it appears that the resize error was transient, you can try to issue pool resize to begin the pool grow or shrink process again, or alternatively you can opt to recreate the pool.

There are typically three common reasons for Resize Errors: 1. Insufficient core quota: Non-UserSubscription Batch accounts by default have 20 cores associated with them. These core quota are managed independently of any core quota on the associated subscription. UserSubscription Batch Accounts have core quota that is associated with the subscription. Please follow this guide for submitting a support request to increase your core quota. 2. Operation(s) took longer than expected: Resizing the pool to a different target VM count may take longer than the specified timeout. In these cases, re-issue the resize command. 3. Not enough IPs in the virtual network subnet: When creating a pool with a UserSubscription Batch account with a virtual network, you must ensure that there are sufficient number of VMs in your subnet. Batch Shipyard will attempt to validate this on your behalf if you specify the subnet's address range in the configuration. You can attempt to change the address range of the subnet indpendently (if pre-created) and issue the resize command again if you encounter this issue.

Compute Node start task failure

Batch Shipyard installs the Docker Host Engine and other requisite software when the compute node starts. There is a possibility for the start task to fail due to transient network faults when issuing system software updates. You can turn on automatic rebooting where Batch Shipyard can attempt to mitigate the issue on your behalf in the pool.json config file. Alternatively, you can issue the command pool rebootnode --all-start-task-failed which will attempt to reboot the nodes that have entered this state.

If the compute node fails to start properly, Batch Shipyard will automatically download the compute node's stdout and stderr files for the start task into the directory where you ran shipyard. The files will be placed in <pool name>/<node id>/startup/std{err,out}.txt. You can examine these files to see what the possible culprit for the issue is. If it appears to be transient, you can try to create the pool again. If it appears to be a Batch Shipyard issue, please report the issue on GitHub.

Additionally, if you have specified an SSH user for your pool and there is a start task failure, you can still issue the command pool asu to add the pool SSH user and then pool ssh to SSH into the node to debug further.

Please note that the start task requires downloading some files that are uploaded to your Azure Storage account with the command pool add. These files have SAS tokens which allow the Batch compute node to authenticate with the Azure Storage service to download the files. These SAS tokens are bound to the storage account key for which they were generated with. If you change/regenerate your storage account key that these SAS tokens were originally generated with, then the compute nodes will fail to start as these files will no longer be able to be downloaded. You will need to recreate your pool in these situations.

Compute Node does not start or is unusable

If the compute node is "stuck" in starting state or enters unusable state, this indicates that there was an issue allocating the node from the Azure Cloud. Azure Batch automatically tries to recover from such situations, but may not be able to on occasion. In these circumstances, it is best to delete the specific node with pool delnode (with --all-unusable if nodes are stuck in unsuable state) and then resize back up with pool resize or recreate the pool.

Compute Node is stuck in waiting for start task

Compute nodes that appear to be "stuck" in waiting for start task may not be stuck at all. If you specify that nodes should block for all Docker images to be present on the node before allowing scheduling and your Docker images are large, it may take a while for your compute nodes to transition from waiting for start task to idle.

If you are certain the above is not the cause for this behavior, then it may indicate a regression in the Batch Shipyard code, a new Docker release that is causing interaction issues (e.g., with nvidia-docker) or some other problem that was not caught during testing. You can retrieve the compute node start task stdout and stderr files to diagnose further and report an issue on GitHub if it appears to be a defect.

Job/Task Execution Issues

Task is submitted but doesn't run

There are various reasons why this would happen:

  1. There are insufficient compute nodes to service the job
  2. The task is multi-instance and there are not enough compute nodes to run the job as specified
  3. jobs.json file was submitted with the wrong pool.json file causing a mismatch in the target pool for the jobs
  4. jobs.json file was submitted with the wrong config.json file causing an infinite wait on a Docker image to be present that may not exist

Task runs and completes but fails with a non-zero exit code or scheduling error

In Azure Batch, a task that completes is independent of if the task is considered a success or failure. The jobs listtasks command will list the status of all tasks for the jobs specified including exit codes and any scheduling errors. You can use this information in combination with the task's stdout and stderr files to determine what went wrong if your task has completed but has failed.

Docker Issues

pool udi command doesn't run

The pool update Docker images command runs as a normal job if your pool is comprised entirely of dedicated compute nodes. Thus, your compute nodes must be able to accommodate this update job and task. If your pool only has one node in it, it will run as a single task under a job. If the node in this pool is busy and the max_tasks_per_node in your pool.json is either unspecified or set to 1, then it will be blocked behind the running task.

For pools with more than 1 node, the update Docker images command will run as a multi-instance task to guarantee that all nodes in the pool have updated the specified Docker image to latest or the given hash. The multi-instance task will be run on the current number of nodes in the pool at the time the pool udi command is issued. If before the task can be scheduled, the pool is resized down and the number of nodes decreases, then the update Docker images job will not be able to execute and will stay active until the number of compute nodes reaches the prior number. Additionally, if max_tasks_per_node is set to 1 or unspecified in pool.json and any task is running on any node, the update Docker images job will be blocked until that task completes.

You can work around this behavior by providing the --ssh option to the pool udi command. This will use an SSH side-channel to upgrade the Docker images on the pool. Please note that this requires a provisioned SSH user and ssh or ssh.exe available.

pool udi will always use the SSH side-channel method for pools containing a positive number of low priority nodes.