Batch Shipyard Pool Configuration

This page contains in-depth details on how to configure the pool json file for Batch Shipyard.


The pool schema is as follows:

    "pool_specification": {
        "id": "dockerpool",
        "vm_configuration": {
            "platform_image": {
                "publisher": "Canonical",
                "offer": "UbuntuServer",
                "sku": "16.04-LTS",
                "version": "latest"
            "custom_image": {
                "image_uris": [
                "node_agent": "batch.node.ubuntu 16.04"
        "vm_size": "STANDARD_H16R",
        "vm_count": {
            "dedicated": 8,
            "low_priority": 0
        "resize_timeout": "00:20:00",
        "max_tasks_per_node": 1,
        "node_fill_type": "pack",
        "autoscale": {
            "evaluation_interval": "00:05:00",
            "scenario": {
                "name": "active_tasks",
                "maximum_vm_count": {
                    "dedicated": 16,
                    "low_priority": 8
                "node_deallocation_option": "taskcompletion",
                "sample_lookback_interval": "00:10:00",
                "required_sample_percentage": 70,
                "bias_last_sample": true,
                "bias_node_type": "low_priority",
                "rebalance_preemption_percentage": 50
            "formula": ""
        "inter_node_communication_enabled": true,
        "reboot_on_start_task_failed": true,
        "block_until_all_global_resources_loaded": true,
        "transfer_files_on_pool_creation": false,
        "input_data": {
            "azure_batch": [
                    "job_id": "jobonanotherpool",
                    "task_id": "mytask",
                    "include": ["wd/*.dat"],
                    "exclude": ["*.txt"],
                    "destination": "$AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/jobonanotherpool"
            "azure_storage": [
                    "storage_account_settings": "mystorageaccount",
                    "container": "poolcontainer",
                    "include": ["pooldata*.bin"],
                    "destination": "$AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/pooldata",
                    "blobxfer_extra_options": null
        "resource_files": [
                "file_path": "",
                "blob_source": "",
                "file_mode": ""
        "virtual_network": {
            "name": "myvnet",
            "resource_group": "vnet-in-another-rg",
            "create_nonexistant": false,
            "address_space": "",
            "subnet": {
                "name": "subnet-for-batch-vms",
                "address_prefix": ""
        "ssh": {
            "username": "docker",
            "expiry_days": 30,
            "ssh_public_key": "/path/to/rsa/",
            "ssh_public_key_data": "ssh-rsa ...",
            "ssh_private_key": "/path/to/rsa/privatekey",
            "generate_docker_tunnel_script": true,
            "generated_file_export_path": null,
            "hpn_server_swap": false
        "gpu": {
            "nvidia_driver": {
                "source": "https://some.url"
        "additional_node_prep_commands": [

The pool_specification property has the following members: (required) id is the compute pool ID. (required) vm_configuration specifies the image configuration for the VM. Either platform_image or custom_image must be specified. You cannot specify both. If using a custom image, please see the Custom Image Guide first. * (required for platform image) platform_image defines the Marketplace platform image to use: * (required for platform image) publisher is the publisher name of the Marketplace VM image. * (required for platform image) offer is the offer name of the Marketplace VM image. * (required for platform image) sku is the sku name of the Marketplace VM image. * (optional) version is the image version to use. The default is latest. * (required for custom image) custom_image defines the custom image to use: * (required for custom image) image_uris defines a list of page blob VHDs to use for the pool. These should be bare URLs without SAS keys. * (required for custom image) node_agent is the node agent sku id to use with this custom image. You can view supported base images and their node agent sku ids with the pool listskus command. (required) vm_size is the Azure Virtual Machine Instance Size. Please note that not all regions have every VM size available. (required) vm_count is the number of compute nodes to allocate. You may specify a mixed number of compute nodes in the following properties: * (optional) dedicated is the number of dedicated compute nodes to allocate. These nodes cannot be pre-empted. The default value is 0. * (optional) low_priority is the number of low-priority compute nodes to allocate. These nodes may be pre-empted at any time. Workloads that are amenable to low_priority nodes are those that do not have strict deadlines for pickup and completion. Optimally, these types of jobs would checkpoint their progress and be able to recover when re-scheduled. The default value is 0. (optional) resize_timeout is the amount of time allowed for resize operations (note that creating a pool resizes from 0 to the specified number of nodes). The format for this property is a timedelta with a string representation of "d.HH:mm:ss". "HH:mm:ss" is required, but "d" is optional, if specified. If not specified, the default is 15 minutes. (optional) max_tasks_per_node is the maximum number of concurrent tasks that can be running at any one time on a compute node. This defaults to a value of 1 if not specified. The maximum value for the property that Azure Batch will accept is 4 x <# cores per compute node>. For instance, for a STANDARD_F2 instance, because the virtual machine has 2 cores, the maximum allowable value for this property would be 8. (optional) node_fill_type is the task scheduling compute node fill type policy to apply. pack, which is the default, attempts to pack the maximum number of tasks on a node (controlled through max_tasks_per_node before scheduling tasks to another node). spread will schedule tasks evenly across compute nodes before packing. (optional) autoscale designates the autoscale settings for the pool. If specified, the vm_count becomes the minimum number of virtual machines for each node type for scenario based autoscale. * (optional) evaluation_interval is the time interval between autoscale evaluations performed by the service. The format for this property is a timedelta with a string representation of "d.HH:mm:ss". "HH:mm:ss" is required, but "d" is optional, if specified. If not specified, the default is 15 minutes. The smallest value that can be specified is 5 minutes. * (optional) scenario is a pre-set autoscale scenario where a formula will be generated with the parameters specified within this property. * (required) name is the autoscale scenario name to apply. Valid values are active_tasks, pending_tasks, workday, workday_with_offpeak_max_low_priority, weekday, weekend. Please see the autoscale guide for more information about these scenarios. * (required) maximum_vm_count is the maximum number of compute nodes that can be allocated from an autoscale evaluation. It is useful to have these limits in place as to control the top-end scale of the autoscale scenario. Specifying a negative value for either of the following properties will result in effectively no maximum limit. * (optional) dedicated is the maximum number of dedicated compute nodes that can be allocated. * (optional) low_priority is the maximum number of low priority compute nodes that can be allocated. * (optional) node_deallocation_option is the node deallocation option to apply. When a pool is resized down and a node is selected for removal, what action is performed for the running task is specified with this option. The valid values are: requeue, terminate, taskcompletion, and retaineddata. The default is taskcompletion. Please see this doc for more information. * (optional) sample_lookback_interval is the time interval to lookback for past history for certain scenarios such as autoscale based on active and pending tasks. The format for this property is a timedelta with a string representation of "d.HH:mm:ss". "HH:mm:ss" is required, but "d" is optional, if specified. If not specified, the default is 10 minutes. * (optional) required_sample_percentage is the required percentage of samples that must be present during the sample_lookback_interval. If not specified, the default is 70. * (optional) bias_last_sample will bias the autoscale scenario, if applicable, to use the last sample during history computation. This can be enabled to more quickly respond to changes in history with respect to averages. The default is true. * (optional) bias_node_type will bias the the autoscale scenario, if applicable, to favor one type of node over the other when making a decision on how many of each node to allocate. The default is auto or equal weight to both dedicated and low_priority nodes. Valid values are null (or omitting the property), dedicated, or low_priority. * (optional) rebalance_preemption_percentage will rebalance the compute nodes to bias for dedicated nodes when the pre-empted node count reaches the indicated threshold percentage of the total current dedicated and low priority nodes. The default is null or no rebalancing is performed. * (optional) formula is a custom autoscale formula to apply to the pool. If both formula and scenario are specified, then formula is used. * (optional) inter_node_communication_enabled designates if this pool is set up for inter-node communication. This must be set to true for any containers that must communicate with each other such as MPI applications. This property cannot be enabled if there are positive values for both dedicated andlow_prioritycompute nodes specified above. This property will be force enabled if peer-to-peer replication is enabled. * (optional)reboot_on_start_task_failedallows Batch Shipyard to reboot the compute node in case there is a transient failure in node preparation (e.g., network timeout, resolution failure or download problem). This defaults tofalse. * (optional)block_until_all_global_resources_loadedwill block the node from entering ready state until all Docker images are loaded. This defaults totrue. * (optional)transfer_files_on_pool_creationwill ingress allfilesspecified in theglobal_resourcessection of the configuration json when the pool is created. If files are to be ingressed to Azure Blob or File Storage, then data movement operations are overlapped with the creation of the pool. If files are to be ingressed to a shared file system on the compute nodes, then the files are ingressed after the pool is created and the shared file system is ready. Files can be ingressed to both Azure Blob Storage and a shared file system during the same pool creation invocation. If this property is set totruethenblock_until_all_global_resources_loadedwill be force disabled. If omitted, this property defaults tofalse. * (optional)input_datais an object containing data that should be ingressed to all compute nodes as part of node preparation. It is important to note that if you are combining this action withfilesand are ingressing data to Azure Blob or File storage as part of pool creation, that the blob containers or file shares defined here will be downloaded as soon as the compute node is ready to do so. This may result in the blob container/blobs or file share/files not being ready in time for theinput_datatransfer. It is up to you to ensure that these two operations do not overlap. If there is a possibility of overlap, then you should ingress data defined infilesprior to pool creation and disable the option abovetransfer_files_on_pool_creation. This object currently supportsazure_batchandazure_storageas members. *azure_batchcontains the following members: * (required)job_idthe job id of the task * (required)task_idthe id of the task to fetch files from * (optional)includeis an array of include filters * (optional)excludeis an array of exclude filters * (required)destinationis the destination path to place the files *azure_storagecontains the following members: * (required)storage_account_settingscontains a storage account link as defined in the credentials json. * (required)containerorfile_shareis required when downloading from Azure Blob Storage or Azure File Storage, respectively.containerspecifies which container to download from for Azure Blob Storage whilefile_sharespecifies which file share to download from for Azure File Storage. Only one of these properties can be specified perdata_transferobject. * (optional)includeproperty defines an optional include filter. Although this property is an array, it is only allowed to have 1 maximum filter. * (required)destinationproperty defines where to place the downloaded files on the host file system. Please note that you should not specify a destination that is on a shared file system. If you require ingressing to a shared file system location like a GlusterFS volume, then use the global configurationfilesproperty and thedata ingresscommand. * (optional)blobxfer_extra_optionsare any extra options to pass toblobxfer. * (optional)resource_filesis an array of resource files that should be downloaded as part of the compute node's preparation. Each array entry contains the following information: *file_pathis the path within the node prep task working directory to place the file on the compute node. This directory can be referenced by the$AZ_BATCH_NODE_STARTUP_DIR/wdpath. *blob_sourceis an accessible HTTP/HTTPS URL. This need not be an Azure Blob Storage URL. *file_modeif the file mode to set for the file on the compute node. This is optional. * (optional)virtual_networkis the property for specifying an ARM-based virtual network resource for the pool. This is only available for UserSubscription Batch accounts. * (required)nameis the name of the virtual network * (optional)resource_groupcontaining the virtual network. If the resource group name is not specified here, theresource_groupspecified in thebatchcredentials will be used instead. * (optional)create_nonexistantspecifies if the virtual network and subnet should be created if not found. If not specified, this defaults tofalse. * (required if creating, optional otherwise)address_spaceis the allowed address space for the virtual network. * (required)subnetspecifies the subnet properties. * (required)nameis the subnet name. * (required)address_prefixis the subnet address prefix to use for allocation Batch compute nodes to. The maximum number of compute nodes a subnet can support is 4096 which maps roughly to a CIDR mask of 20-bits. * (optional)sshis the property for creating a user to accomodate SSH sessions to compute nodes. If this property is absent, then an SSH user is not created with pool creation. If you are running Batch Shipyard on Windows, please refer to [these instructions]( on how to generate an SSH keypair for use with Batch Shipyard. * (required)usernameis the user to create on the compute nodes. * (optional)expiry_daysis the number of days from now for the account on the compute nodes to expire. The default is 30 days from invocation time. * (optional)ssh_public_keyis the path to an existing SSH public key to use. If not specified, an RSA public/private keypair will be automatically generated ifssh-keygenorssh-keygen.execan be found on thePATH. This option cannot be specified withssh_public_key_data. * (optional)ssh_public_key_datais the raw RSA public key data in OpenSSH format, e.g., a string starting withssh-rsa .... Only one key may be specified. This option cannot be specified withssh_public_key. * (optional)ssh_private_keyis the path to an existing SSH private key to use against eitherssh_public_keyorssh_public_key_datafor connecting to compute nodes. This option should only be specified if eitherssh_public_keyorssh_public_key_dataare specified. * (optional)generate_docker_tunnel_scriptproperty directs script to generate an SSH tunnel script that can be used to connect to the remote Docker engine running on a compute node. This script can only be used on non-Windows systems. * (optional)generated_file_export_pathis the path to export the generated RSA keypair and docker tunnel script to. If omitted, the current directory is used. * (experimental)hpn_server_swapproperty enables an OpenSSH server with [HPN patches]( to be swapped with the standard distribution OpenSSH server. This is not supported on all Linux distributions and may be force disabled. * (optional)gpuproperty defines additional information for NVIDIA GPU-enabled VMs. If not specified, Batch Shipyard will automatically download the driver for thevm_sizespecified. *nvidia_driverproperty contains the following required members: *sourceis the source url to download the driver. * (optional)additional_node_prep_commands` is an array of additional commands to execute on the compute node host as part of node preparation. This can be empty or omitted.

Full template

A full template of a credentials file can be found here. Note that this template cannot be used as-is and must be modified to fit your scenario.