Batch Shipyard Credentials Configuration

This page contains in-depth details on how to configure the credentials json file for Batch Shipyard.


The credentials schema is as follows:

    "credentials": {
        "keyvault": {
            "uri": "",
            "credentials_secret_id": "",
            "aad": {
                "endpoint": "",
                "directory_id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
                "application_id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
                "auth_key": "01234...",
                "rsa_private_key_pem": "/path/to/privkey.pem",
                "x509_cert_sha1_thumbprint": "01AB02CD...",
                "user": "",
                "password": "password",
                "token_cache": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "filename": ""
        "management": {
            "subscription_id": "",
            "aad": {
                "endpoint": "",
                "directory_id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
                "application_id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
                "auth_key": "01234...",
                "rsa_private_key_pem": "/path/to/privkey.pem",
                "x509_cert_sha1_thumbprint": "01AB02CD...",
                "user": "",
                "password": "password",
                "token_cache": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "filename": ""
        "batch": {
            "account_service_url": "https://awesomebatchaccountname.<region>",
            "aad": {
                "endpoint": "",
                "directory_id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
                "application_id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
                "auth_key": "01234...",
                "rsa_private_key_pem": "/path/to/privkey.pem",
                "x509_cert_sha1_thumbprint": "01AB02CD...",
                "user": "",
                "password": "password",
                "token_cache": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "filename": ""
            "resource_group": "",
            "account_key": "batchaccountkey",
            "account_key_keyvault_secret_id": ""
        "storage": {
            "mystorageaccount": {
                "account": "awesomestorageaccountname",
                "account_key": "storageaccountkey",
                "account_key_keyvault_secret_id": "",
                "endpoint": ""
        "docker_registry": {
            "hub": {
                "username": "myhublogin",
                "password": "myhubpassword",
                "password_keyvault_secret_id": ""
            "": {
                "username": "azurecruser",
                "password": "mypassword",
                "password_keyvault_secret_id": ""


The credentials property is where Azure Batch and Storage credentials are defined. Azure Active Directory (AAD) must be used with keyvault and management credential sections. AAD credentials can be optionally used for batch credentials but are required for batch credentials when using UserSubscription Batch accounts.

Azure Active Directory: aad

The following is a description of aad properties that can be used within each credential section. The aad property contains members for Azure Active Directory credentials. Note that some options are mutually exclusive of each other depending upon authentication type. The available authentication types for Batch Shipyard with the required parameters for each are: Service principal authentication key: application_id and auth_key Certificate-based asymmetric key auth: application_id, rsa_private_key_pem and x509_cert_sha1_thumbprint * Username directory authentication: username and password if multi-factor authentication is not required, or just username if multi-factor authentication is required.

In a nutshell, you are only required the authentication parameters necessary to authenticate your service principal or AAD user account. This will not require all of the following properties to be specified. Note that most of the following properties can be specified as a CLI option or as an environment variable instead. For example, if you do not want to store the auth_key in the file, it can be specified at runtime. (required) directory_id AAD directory (tenant) id (optional) application_id AAD application (client) id (optional) auth_key Service Principal authentication key (optional) rsa_private_key_pem path to RSA private key PEM file if using Certificate-based authentication (optional) x509_cert_sha1_thumbprint thumbprint of the X.509 certificate for use with Certificate-based authentication (optional) user AAD username (optional) password AAD password associated with the user if using username and password authentication. You can omit this property if you want to resort to interactive multi-factor authentication. (optional) endpoint is the AAD endpoint for the associated resource * (optional) token_cache defines token cache properties for multi-factor device code auth only. Tokens are not cached for other auth mechanisms. * (optional) enabled enables the token cache for device code auth * (optional) filename specifies the file path to cache the signed token

KeyVault: keyvault

Please see the Azure KeyVault and Batch Shipyard Guide for more information. (optional) The keyvault property defines the required members for accessing Azure KeyVault with Azure Active Directory credentials. Note that this property is mutually exclusive* of all other properties in this file. If you need to define other members in this config file while using Azure KeyVault, then you will need to use environment variables or cli parameters instead for AAD and KeyVault credentials. * (optional) uri property defines the Azure KeyVault DNS name (URI). * (optional) credentials_secret_id property defines the KeyVault secret id containing an entire credentials.json file. * (required) aad AAD authentication parameters for KeyVault.

Please refer to the Azure KeyVault and Batch Shipyard guide for more information regarding *_keyvault_secret_id properties and how they are used for credential management with Azure KeyVault.

Management: management

  • (optional) The management property defines the required members for accessing Azure Resources (ARM) with Azure Active Directory credentials. This is required with fs filesystem actions and pools that need to be created with a virtual network specification (thus UserSubscription Batch accounts).
  • (required) subscription_id is the subscription id to interact with.
  • (required) aad AAD authentication parameters for ARM.

Batch: batch

  • (required) The batch property defines the Azure Batch account. Members under the batch property can be found in the Azure Portal under your Batch account.
  • (required) account_service_url is the Batch account service URL.
  • (required for UserSubscription Batch accounts, optional otherwise) aad defines the AAD authentication parameters for Azure Batch.
  • (required for UserSubscription Batch accounts, optional otherwise) resource_group is the resource group containing the Batch account.
  • (required unless aad is specified) account_key is the shared key. This is required for non-AAD logins. This option takes precendence over the aad property if specified.
  • (optional) account_key_keyvault_secret_id property can be used to reference an Azure KeyVault secret id. Batch Shipyard will contact the specified KeyVault and replace the account_key value as returned by Azure KeyVault. This cannot be used with UserSubscription Batch accounts.

Storage: storage

  • (required) Multiple storage properties can be defined which references different Azure Storage account credentials under the storage property. This may be needed for more flexible configuration in other configuration files. In the example above, we only have one storage account defined which is aliased by the property name mystorageaccount. The alias (or storage account link name) can be the same as the storage account name itself.
  • (optional) account_key_keyvault_secret_id property can be used to reference an Azure KeyVault secret id. Batch Shipyard will contact the specified KeyVault and replace the account_key value as returned by Azure KeyVault.

Docker Registries: docker_registry

  • (optional) docker_registry property defines logins for Docker registry servers. This property does not need to be defined if you are using only public repositories on Docker Hub. However, this is required if pulling from authenticated private registries such as a secured Azure Container Registry or private repositories on Docker Hub.
  • (optional) hub defines the login property to Docker Hub. This is only required for private repos on Docker Hub.
    • (optional) username username to log in to Docker Hub
    • (optional) password password associated with the username
    • (optional) password_keyvault_secret_id property can be used to reference an Azure KeyVault secret id. Batch Shipyard will contact the specified KeyVault and replace the password value as returned by Azure KeyVault.
  • (optional) is an example property that defines a private container registry to connect to. This is an example to connect to the Azure Container Registry service. The private registry defined here should be defined as the server property in the docker_registry:private json object in the global configuration.
    • (optional) username username to log in to this registry
    • (optional) password password associated with this username
    • (optional) password_keyvault_secret_id property can be used to reference an Azure KeyVault secret id. Batch Shipyard will contact the specified KeyVault and replace the password value as returned by Azure KeyVault.

Full template

A full template of a credentials file can be found here. Note that this template cannot be used as-is and must be modified to fit your scenario.