Batch Shipyard Platform Image Support

The following table is a list of supported platform images for the Batch Shipyard release that is tied to the version of this documentation. Note that support outlined in this document is only for Batch Shipyard and is a subset of Marketplace images supported by the core Azure Batch service.

Native container support notes:

  • Native Only denotes that the platform image can only be used in native container mode.
  • Native Convert denotes that the specified platform image is compatible with native set to true in the pool configuration and will automatically be converted to the native equivalent on pool provisioning.

Please see the FAQ for more information about native mode container pools.

Enabling microsoft-azure-batch Native Images

For Batch-managed pool allocation Batch accounts, no action is needed to enable use of microsoft-azure-batch published native images. For User Subscription pool allocation Batch accounts, you will need to explicitly accept Marketplace terms for each image and image version. Periodically new image versions will be published and you will need to accept terms individually for each image version. If you do not accept Marketplace terms for these images and attempt to deploy a Batch pool with a microsoft-azure-batch native image using a User subscription pool allocation Batch account, you will observe a Resize Error on your pool with the error AllocationFailed: Desired number of dedicated nodes could not be allocated. The error details will have the message: Reason: Allocation failed due to marketplace purchase eligibilty check returned errors.

You can accept Marketplace terms for microsoft-azure-batch published native images using the Azure CLI:

  1. Ensure that you are on the correct subscription id of the Batch account in the Azure CLI.
  2. Run az vm image list --all --publisher microsoft-azure-batch
  3. Find the correlated VM image using the tables provided below. Locate the urn of that image in the JSON object in the output of the command.
  4. Run az vm image accept-terms --urn <corresponding-urn> for the corresponding urn to accept the terms for the image.

Image Support Matrix for Batch Shipyard


Publisher Offer Sku GPU IB/RDMA Native Only Native Convert
microsoft-azure-batch centos-container 7-4 X X
microsoft-azure-batch centos-container 7-7 X X
microsoft-azure-batch centos-container-rdma 7-4 X X (4) X
microsoft-azure-batch centos-container-rdma 7-7 X X (5) X
OpenLogic CentOS 7.4 X X
OpenLogic CentOS 7.7 X X
OpenLogic CentOS 8.0 X
OpenLogic CentOS-HPC 7.4 X X (4) X
OpenLogic CentOS-HPC 7.7 X X (5) X


Publisher Offer Sku GPU IB/RDMA Native Only Native Convert
Debian Debian-10 10


SLES is not supported at this time.


Publisher Offer Sku GPU IB/RDMA Native Only Native Convert
Canonical UbuntuServer 16.04-LTS X X (1) X (2,4)
Canonical UbuntuServer 18.04-LTS X X (1)
microsoft-azure-batch ubuntu-server-container 16-04-lts X X
microsoft-azure-batch ubuntu-server-container-rdma 16-04-lts X X (3,4) X


Publisher Offer Sku GPU IB/RDMA Native Only Native Convert
MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServer 2016-Datacenter-with-Containers X
MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServer 2019-Datacenter-with-Containers X
MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServer 2019-Datacenter-with-Containers-smalldisk X
MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServer 2019-Datacenter-Core-with-Containers X
MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServer 2019-Datacenter-Core-with-Containers-smalldisk X
MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServer Datacenter-Core-1903-with-Containers-smalldisk X
MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServerSemiAnnual Datacenter-Core-1809-with-Containers-smalldisk X


  1. IB/RDMA is supported for this host OS with a custom image unless utilizing the native conversion option. Please see the packer scripts and consult the custom image guide for information on how to create a compliant custom image.
  2. Native conversion of this platform image will enable IB/RDMA automatically.
  3. The Intel MPI runtime is not present by default on this image, however, it is automatically installed through Batch Shipyard for Network Direct IB/RDMA VM sizes.
  4. Only supported on Network Direct IB/RDMA VM sizes.
  5. Only supported on SR-IOV IB/RDMA VM sizes.