Slurm on Batch with Batch Shipyard

The focus of this article is to explain the Slurm on Batch functionality in Batch Shipyard and how to effectively deploy your workload for traditional lift-and-shift scheduling while leveraging some Platform-as-a-Service capabilities of Azure Batch.


The Slurm workload manager is an open-source job scheduler that is widely used among many institutional and supercomputing sites. Azure Batch provides an abstraction for managing lower-layer VM complexities and automated recovery through Batch pools. Batch Shipyard provides an integration between Slurm and Batch pools where the Slurm cluster controller and login nodes are provisioned and connected to compute nodes in Batch pools in an on-demand fashion.


Why is this feature useful when you can use Azure Batch natively as a job scheduler or leverage Azure CycleCloud?

Some users or organizations may prefer the use of Slurm native tooling and execution workflows which are not currently possible with Azure Batch; either due to workflow familiarity or existing investments in the ecosystem. Additionally, Azure Batch may not provide some of the rich job scheduling and accounting functionality available in Slurm that may be required for some organizational workflows. Moreover, some requirements such as standing up a separate VM for CycleCloud or managing the underlying Slurm compute node infrastructure may not be an amenable solution for some users or organizations.

Slurm on Batch with Batch Shipyard attempts to mix the advantages of both worlds by combining the Slurm scheduler with platform benefits of Azure Batch compute node orchestration and management.

Major Features

  • Simple and automated Slurm cluster deployment and management including support for on-demand suspend and restart of cluster resources
  • Automatic HA support of Slurm controllers and the ability to create multiple login nodes
  • Ability to specify arbitrary elastic partitions which may be comprised of a hetergeneous mixture of Batch pools
  • Automatic linking of shared file systems (RemoteFS clusters) between all Slurm resources
  • Support for concurrent dedicated and low priority compute nodes within partitions
  • Automatic feature tagging of nodes, including VM size and capabilities
  • Automatic generic resource configuration for GPU VMs
  • Automatic on-demand resizing of compute node resources including user-specified idle reclaim timeouts and node reclaim exclusion filters
  • Support for custom preparation scripts on all Slurm resources
  • Goal-seeking engine to recover from compute node allocation failures
  • Default cluster user SSH is linked to login nodes and compute nodes for easy logins and file access across non-controller resources
  • Supports most Batch Shipyard configuration options on the pool, including distributed scratch, container runtime installations, monitoring integration, shared file system mounting, automatic GPU setup, etc.
  • Supports joining pre-existing partitions and nodes which may be on-premises with elastic on-demand nodes

Mental Model

Slurm Dynamic Node Allocation and Deallocation

A Slurm cluster on Batch with Batch Shipyard utilizes the Slurm Elastic Computing (Cloud Bursting) functionality which is based on Slurm's Power Save capabilities. In a nutshell, Slurm will resume nodes when needed to process jobs and suspend nodes once there is no need for the nodes to run (i.e., relinquish them back to the cloud).

When Slurm decides that new nodes should be provisioned, the resume command triggers the Batch Shipyard Slurm Helper which allocates compute nodes on the appropriate Batch pool targeting a specific Azure region. Batch Shipyard handles the complexity of node name assignment, host DNS registration, and ensuring the controller updates the node information with the appropriate IP address.

When Slurm decides that nodes should be removed via suspend, the Batch Shipyard Slurm Helper will deallocate these nodes in their respective pools and release the node names back for availability.

Batch Pools as Slurm Compute Nodes

A Batch Shipyard provisioned Slurm cluster is built on top of different resources in Azure. To more readily explain the concepts that form a Batch Shipyard Slurm cluster, let's start with a high-level conceptual layout of all of the components and possible interactions.

                                   |               |
   +----------+  +-----------------> Azure Storage <----------------+
   |          |  |                 |               |                |
   | Azure    |  |                 +---------------+                |
   | Resource |  |                                                  |
   | Manager  |  |                  +-------------+                 |
   |          |  |                  |             |                 |
   +------^---+  |    +-------------> Azure Batch +------------+    |
          |      |    |             |             |            |    |
      MSI |  MSI |    | MSI         +-------------+            |    |
          |      |    |                                        |    |
|         |      |    |                                        |    |           |
|         |      |    |                                   +----v----+--------+  |
|  +------------------------+                             |                  |  |
|  |      |      |    |     |                             |    +--------+    |  |
|  |   +--+------+----+-+   |                             |    |        |    |  |
|  |   |                |   <----------------------------->    | slurmd |    |  |
|  |   | Batch Shipyard |   |                             |    |        |    |  |
|  |   | Slurm Helper   |   |                             |    +--------+    |  |
|  |   |                |   |                             |                  |  |
|  |   +----------------+   |      +----------------+     | +--------------+ |  |
|  |                        |      |                |     | |              | |  |
|  |     +-----------+      |      | Batch Shipyard |     | | Slurm client | |  |
|  |     |           |      |      | Remote FS VMs  |     | | tools        | |  |
|  |     | slurmctld |      |      |                |     | |              | |  |
|  |     |           |      +------>    Subnet A    <-----+ +--------------+ |  |
|  |     +-----------+      |      | |     |                  |  |
|  |                        |      +-------^--------+     |  Azure Batch     |  |
|  | Slurm Controller Nodes |              |              |  Compute Nodes   |  |
|  |                        |              |              |                  |  |
|  |            Subnet B    |              |              |      Subnet D    |  |
|  |   |              |              | |  |
|  +----------^-------------+              |              +------------------+  |
|             |                   +--------+---------+                          |
|             |                   |                  |                          |
|             |                   | +--------------+ |                          |
|             |                   | |              | |                          |
|             +-------------------+ | Slurm client | |                          |
|                                 | | tools        | |                          |
|                                 | |              | |                          |
|                                 | +--------------+ |                          |
|                                 |                  |                          |
|                                 |   Login Nodes    |                          |
|                                 |                  |                          |
|                                 |      Subnet C    |                          |
|                                 | |                          |
| Virtual Network                 +---------^--------+                          |
|                                |                                   |
                                        SSH |
                                    |              |
                                    | Cluster User |
                                    |              |

The base layer for all of the resources within a Slurm cluster on Batch is an Azure Virtual Network. This virtual network can be shared amongst other network-level resources such as network interfaces. The virtual network can be "partitioned" into sub-address spaces through the use of subnets. In the example above, we have four subnets where Subnet A hosts the Batch Shipyard RemoteFS shared file system, Subnet B contains the Slurm controller nodes, Subnet C contains the login nodes, and Subnet D contains a pool or a collection of pools of Azure Batch compute nodes to serve as dynamically allocated Slurm compute nodes.

One (or more) RemoteFS shared file systems can be used as a common file system between login nodes and the Slurm compute nodes (provisioned as Batch compute nodes). One of these file systems is also designated to store slurmctld state for HA/failover for standby Slurm controller nodes. Cluster users login to the Slurm cluster via the login nodes where the shared file system is mounted and the Slurm client tools are installed which submit to the controller nodes.

Slurm configuration and munge keys are propagated to the provisioned compute nodes in Batch pools along with mounting the appropriate RemoteFS shared file systems. Once these nodes are provisioned and idle, the node information is updated on the controller nodes to be available for Slurm job scheduling.

When Slurm signals that nodes are no longer needed, the Batch Shipyard Slurm helper will then translate the Slurm node names back to Batch compute node ids and deprovision appropriately.

Some Slurm logs, notably the Batch Shipyard Slurm Helper, Slurm power save logs, and slurmd logs are stored on an Azure File Share for easy viewing to debug issues. slurmctld logs are stored locally with each controller node.


The following is a brief walkthrough of configuring a Slurm on Batch cluster with Batch Shipyard.

Azure Active Directory Authentication Required

Azure Active Directory authentication is required to create a Slurm cluster. When executing either the slurm cluster create or slurm cluster orchestrate command, your service principal must be at least Owner or a custom role that does not prohibit the following action along with the ability to create/read/write resources for the subscription:

  • Microsoft.Authorization/*/Write

This action is required to enable Azure Managed Service Identity on the Batch Shipyard Slurm Helper which runs on controller nodes.


The configuration for a Slurm cluster with Batch Shipyard is generally composed of two major parts: the Slurm configuration the normal global and pool configurations.

Slurm Cluster Configuration

The Slurm cluster configuration is defined by a Slurm configuration file. Please refer to the full Slurm cluster configuration documentation for more detailed explanations of each option and for those not shown below.

Conceptually, this file consists of five major parts:

  # 1. define general settings
  storage_account_settings: mystorageaccount
  location: <Azure region, e.g., eastus>
  resource_group: my-slurm-rg
  cluster_id: slurm
  # 2. define controller node settings
      # SSH access/user to the controller nodes, independent of other resources
      # ...
      # Virtual Network should be the same for all resources, with a differing subnet
      # Optional, but recommended network security rules
    vm_size: # appropriate VM size
    vm_count: # Number greater than 1 will create an HA Slurm cluster
  # 3. define login node settings
      # The cluster user SSH and username settings
      # ...
      # Virtual Network should be the same for all resources, with a differing subnet
      # Optional, but recommended network security rules
    vm_size: # appropriate VM size
    vm_count: # Number greater than 1 will create multiple login nodes
  # 4. define shared file systems
    nfs_server: # Batch Shipyard RemoteFS storage cluster id
      mount_path: # The mount path across all Slurm resources
      store_slurmctld_state: # at least one shared data volume must set this to true
  # 5. define Slurm options
    idle_reclaim_time: # amount of idle time before Slurm issues suspend on nodes
    elastic_partitions: # define Slurm elastic cloud bursting partitions
          mypool1: # pool id, must be pre-allocated with zero nodes
            account_service_url: https://... # currently this must be the same as the Batch account specified in config.yaml
            compute_node_type: # dedicated or low_priority nodes
            max_compute_nodes: # maximum number of VMs to allocate
            weight: # Slurm weight
              # arbitrary constraint sequence
            reclaim_exclude_num_nodes: # number of nodes to exclude from idle reclaim.
                                       # Once allocated, these number of nodes are not reclaimed.
          # can define multiple pools
        max_runtime_limit: # maximum runtime for jobs in this partition
        default: # is the default partition, one partition must have this set to true
      # for pre-existing partitions (or on-prem partitions)

Global Configuration

Global configuration should contain the appropriate RemoteFS shared file system/data volumes that are to be used across all Slurm resources under global_resources:volumes:shared_data_volumes. More than one RemoteFS shared data volume can be specified.

Optionally, if your workload will be container driven, you can specify image pre-loads here as per normal convention under global_resources.

Pool Configuration

Pool configuration should be used to create all necessary pools used for Slurm elastic partitions beforehand. This file is not explicitly used for slurm cluster create and only for slurm cluster orchestrate if orchestrating a Slurm cluster with one pool. If not utilizing the orchestrate command, then it is required to create pools individually before issuing slurm cluster create.

Most pool properties apply with no modifications for Slurm clusters. By default, all Slurm nodes have Docker installed. Do not use native mode for Slurm compute nodes.


This is a non-exhaustive list of potential limitations while using the Slurm on Batch feature in Batch Shipyard.

  • All pools must reside under the Batch account linked to the global configuration. This limitation will be lifted at a later date.
  • Shared file system (shared data volume) support is currently limited to supported RemoteFS provisioned storage clusters: NFS and GlusterFS.
  • Network Security Groups (NSGs) should permit communication between Slurm resources for all required communication channels and ports.
  • LDAP for centralized user control is not implemented, but can be customized per the additional_prep_script option on the controller and login section of the Slurm configuration file and using additional_node_prep for compute nodes.
  • PAM-based auth restrictions for preventing users from logging into compute nodes without a running job is not yet implemented.
  • An action aggregator in the Batch Shipyard Slurm Helper that would improve resize operation performance is not yet implemented.


Ensure that you have sufficient core and pool quota for your Batch account. Please note that all quotas (except for the number of Batch accounts per region per subscription) apply to each individual Batch account separately. User subscription based Batch accounts share the underlying subscription regional core quotas.

Sample Usage

Please see the sample Slurm recipe for a working example.