Batch Shipyard Federation Proxy Configuration

This page contains in-depth details on how to configure the federation proxy configuration file for Batch Shipyard. Federated job constraint configuration can be found in the jobs configuration documentation.


The federation schema is as follows:

  storage_account_settings: mystorageaccount
  location: <Azure region, e.g., eastus>
  resource_group: my-federation-proxy-rg
  hostname_prefix: fed
    username: shipyard
    ssh_public_key: /path/to/rsa/
    ssh_public_key_data: ssh-rsa ...
    ssh_private_key: /path/to/rsa/privatekey
    generated_file_export_path: null
    enabled: true
    static: false
    name: myvnet
    resource_group: my-vnet-resource-group
    existing_ok: false
      name: my-federation-proxy-subnet
    - '*'
        destination_port_range: 5000-5001
        protocol: '*'
  vm_size: STANDARD_D2_V2
  accelerated_networking: false
      federations: 15
      jobs: 5
      persistence: true
      level: debug
      filename: fedproxy.log
        blackout_interval: 15
        evaluate_autoscale: true

The federation property has the following members:

  • (required) storage_account_settings is the storage account link to store all federation metadata. Any fed command that must store metadata or actions uses this storage account. The federation proxy created with this configuration file will also utilize this storage account.
  • (required) location is the Azure region name for the resources, e.g., eastus or northeurope.
  • (required) resource_group this is the resource group to use for the federation proxy.
  • (required) hostname_prefix is the DNS label prefix to apply to each virtual machine and resource allocated for the federation proxy. It should be unique.
  • (required) ssh is the SSH admin user to create on the machine. This is not optional in this configuration as it is in the pool specification. If you are running Batch Shipyard on Windows, please refer to these instructions on how to generate an SSH keypair for use with Batch Shipyard.
    • (required) username is the admin user to create on all virtual machines
    • (optional) ssh_public_key is the path to a pre-existing ssh public key to use. If this is not specified, an RSA public/private key pair will be generated for use in your current working directory (with a non-colliding name for auto-generated SSH keys for compute pools, i.e., id_rsa_shipyard_remotefs). On Windows only, if this is option is not specified, the SSH keys are not auto-generated (unless ssh-keygen.exe can be invoked in the current working directory or is in %PATH%). This option cannot be specified with ssh_public_key_data.
    • (optional) ssh_public_key_data is the raw RSA public key data in OpenSSH format, e.g., a string starting with ssh-rsa .... Only one key may be specified. This option cannot be specified with ssh_public_key.
    • (optional) ssh_private_key is the path to an existing SSH private key to use against either ssh_public_key or ssh_public_key_data for connecting to storage nodes and performing operations that require SSH such as cluster resize and detail status. This option should only be specified if either ssh_public_key or ssh_public_key_data are specified.
    • (optional) generated_file_export_path is an optional path to specify for where to create the RSA public/private key pair.
  • (optional) public_ip are public IP properties for the virtual machine.
    • (optional) enabled designates if public IPs should be assigned. The default is true. Note that if public IP is disabled, then you must create an alternate means for accessing the federation proxy virtual machine through a "jumpbox" on the virtual network. If this property is set to false (disabled), then any action requiring SSH, or the SSH command itself, will occur against the private IP address of the virtual machine.
    • (optional) static is to specify if static public IPs should be assigned to each virtual machine allocated. The default is false which results in dynamic public IP addresses. A "static" FQDN will be provided per virtual machine, regardless of this setting if public IPs are enabled.
  • (required) virtual_network is the virtual network to use for the federation proxy.
    • (required) name is the virtual network name
    • (optional) resource_group is the resource group for the virtual network. If this is not specified, the resource group name falls back to the resource group specified in the federation proxy.
    • (optional) existing_ok allows use of a pre-existing virtual network. The default is false.
    • (required if creating, optional otherwise) address_space is the allowed address space for the virtual network.
    • (required) subnet specifies the subnet properties.
      • (required) name is the subnet name.
      • (required) address_prefix is the subnet address prefix to use for allocation of the federation proxy virtual machine to.
  • (required) network_security defines the network security rules to apply to the federation proxy virtual machine.
    • (required) ssh is the rule for which address prefixes to allow for connecting to sshd port 22 on the virtual machine. In the example, "*" allows any IP address to connect. This is an array property which allows multiple address prefixes to be specified.
    • (optional) grafana rule allows grafana HTTPS (443) server port to be exposed to the specified address prefix. Multiple address prefixes can be specified.
    • (optional) prometheus rule allows the Prometheus server port to be exposed to the specified address prefix. Multiple address prefixes can be specified.
    • (optional) custom_inbound_rules are custom inbound rules for other services that you need to expose.
      • (required) <rule name> is the name of the rule; the example uses myrule. Each rule name should be unique.
        • (required) destination_port_range is the ports on each virtual machine that will be exposed. This can be a single port and should be a string.
        • (required) source_address_prefix is an array of address prefixes to allow.
      • (required) protocol is the protocol to allow. Valid values are tcp, udp and * (which means any protocol).
  • (required) vm_size is the virtual machine instance size to use.
  • (optional) accelerated_networking enables or disables accelerated networking. The default is false if not specified.
  • (optional) proxy_options are the federation proxy specific properties
    • (optional) polling_interval specifies different polling interval lengths
      • (optional) federations specifies the amount of time in seconds between checking for federation updates. The default, if not specified, is 15.
      • (optional) jobs specifies the amount of time in seconds between. checking for federation action queued messages. The default, if not specified, is 5.
    • (optional) logging specifies various logging options
      • (optional) persistence specifies if logs should be persisted to Azure File storage. The default, if not specified, is true.
      • (optional) level specifies the level to log including all "higher" levels. The default, if not specified, is debug.
      • (optional) filename is a log filename schema where the level is injected as part of the filename. At most two files will be created initially, which is a file containing the specified level and the error level. The default, if not specified, is fedproxy.log. If the level specified is debug, then the log files fedproxy-debug.log and fedproxy-error.log will be created. Log files are automatically rotated after 32MiB of data has been written.
    • (optional) scheduling specifies federation proxy wide scheduling options to use while processing actions.
      • (optional) after_success apply to actions which have been successfully scheduled.
        • (optional) blackout_interval specifies the scheduling blackout interval to apply to the target pool in seconds. The default, if not specified, is 15.
        • (optional) evaluate_autoscale specifies if the autoscale formula should be immediately applied to the target pool after a task group has been successfully scheduled. This option only applies to autoscale-enabled pools. The default, if not specified, is true.

Federations with Batch Shipyard Guide

Please see the full guide for relevant terminology and information on how this feature works in Batch Shipyard.

Full template

A full template of a federation configuration file can be found here. Note that these templates cannot be used as-is and must be modified to fit your scenario.