Resource Monitoring with Batch Shipyard

The focus of this article is to explain how to provision a resource monitor for monitoring Batch pools and RemoteFS clusters.



For many scenarios, it is often desirable to have visibility into a set of machines to gain insights through certain metrics over time. A global monitoring resource is valuable to avail per-machine and aggregate metrics for Batch processing workloads as jobs are processed for measurements such as CPU, memory and network usage. As Batch Shipyard's execution model is based on containers, insights into container behavior is also desirable in addition to host-level metrics.

Creating a monitoring system that can monitor ephemeral resources such as Batch nodes that may autoscale up or down at any moment and across disparate resources such as Batch pools and RemoteFS clusters can be challenging. Securing these resources adds additional complexity. Fortunately, Batch Shipyard has commands that can help setup such monitoring resources quickly.

Major Features

  • Supports monitoring Azure Batch Pools and Batch Shipyard provisioned storage clusters
  • Automatic service discovery of compute nodes and RemoteFS VMs capable of adding and removing monitored resources even through Batch pool autoscale/resize and storage cluster resizes
  • Automated installs of all required collectors and services on supported resources, including Batch pools and RemoteFS VMs
  • Fully automated setup of nginx reverse proxy to Grafana (and optionally Prometheus server) with automatic provisioning of Let's Encrypt TLS certificates for encrypted HTTP access
  • Automatic set up of network security rules for exposed services
  • Rich default dashboard for monitoring Batch Shipyard resources out-of-the box
  • Support for monitoring resource VM suspension (deallocation) and restart
  • Support for accelerated networking, boot diagnostics and serial console access
  • Automatic SSH keypair provisioning and setup

Mental Model

A Batch Shipyard provisioned monitoring resource is built on top of different resources in Azure. To more readily explain the concepts that form a Batch Shipyard monitoring resource, let's start with a high-level conceptual layout of all of the components and possible interacting actors.

                                  +-------------+  +------------------------+
                                  |             |  |                        |
                                  | Azure Batch |  | Azure Resource Manager |
                                  |             |  |                        |
                                  +---------^---+  +----^-------------------+
                                            |           |
                                            |           |
              |                             |           |                                           |
              | |-----------------------------------------------------|                             |
              | |                           |           |             |                             |
              | | --------------------------------------------------- |                             |
              | | |                         |           |           | |     +---------------------+ |
+---------+   | | |  +-----------+          | MSI       | MSI       | |     | +-----------------+ | |
|         |   | | |  |           |          |           |           | |     | |                 | | |
| Let's   |   | | |  | Let's     |        +-+-----------+--+        | |     | | Batch Shipyard  | | |
| Encrypt <----------+ Encrypt   |        |                |        | |     | | RemoteFS VM Y   | | |
| CA      |   | | |  | TLS Certs |        | Batch Shipyard |        | |     | |                 | | |
|         |   | | |  |           |        | Heimdall       |        | |     | +---------------+ | | |
+---------+   | | |  +----+------+        |                |     +------------> Node Exporter | | | |
              | | |       |               +-------+--------+     |  | |     | +---------------+ | | |
              | | |       |                       |              |  | |     | |                 | | |
              | | | +-----v--+                    |              |  | |     | +------------+    | | |
              | | | |        |                    |              |  | |     | | Private IP |    | | |
              | | | | nginx  |   +-----------+    | Automated    |  | |     | |   |    | | |
              | | | |        |   |           |    | Service      |  | |     | +------------+----+ | |
              | | | +------+ |   |  Grafana  |    | Discovery    |  | |     |         Subnet C    | |
+---------+   | | | | Port +----->           |    |              |  | |     | | |
|         +---------> 443  | |   +--------+--+    |              |  | |     +---------------------+ |
| Web     |   | | | +------+ |            |       |              |  | |                             |
| Browser |   | | | | Port | |         +--v-------v-----+        |  | |     +---------------------+ |
|         +---------> 9090 +----------->                |        |  | |     | +-----------------+ | |
+---------+   | | | +------+ |         |   Prometheus   +--------+  | |     | |                 | | |
              | | | |        |         |                |           | |     | | Azure Batch     | | |
              | | | +--------+         +---------+------+           | |     | | Compute Node X  | | |
              | | |                              |                  | |     | |                 | | |
              | | |                              |                  | |     | +---------------+ | | |
              | | +-----------+------------+     |                  | |  +----> Node Exporter | | | |
              | | | Public IP | Private IP |     +-----------------------+  | +----------+----+ | | |
              | | |   |   |                        | |  +----> cAdvisor |      | | |
              | | +-----------+------------+------------------------+ |     | +----------+      | | |
              | |                                         Subnet A    |     | |                 | | |
              | |                                |     | +------------+    | | |
              | +-----------------------------------------------------+     | | Private IP |    | | |
              |                                                             | |   |    | | |
              |                                                             | +------------+----+ | |
              |                                                             |         Subnet B    | |
              | Virtual Network                                             | | |
              |                                                  +---------------------+ |

The base layer for all of the resources within a monitoring resource is an Azure Virtual Network. This virtual network can be shared amongst other network-level resources such as network interfaces. The virtual network can be "partitioned" into sub-address spaces through the use of subnets. In the example above, we have three subnets where Subnet A hosts the resource monitor, Subnet B contains a pool of Azure Batch compute nodes to monitor, and Subnet C contains a Batch Shipyard RemoteFS cluster to monitor. No resource in Subnet B or Subnet C is strictly required for the Batch Shipyard monitoring resource to work, although you will want either one or the other at the minimum so you have some resource to monitor.

When provisioning Batch pools or RemoteFS storage clusters, you are able to specify prometheus compatible collectors to install. If configured, Batch Shipyard takes care of installing these packages to the resources and are immediately ready to be scraped by the Prometheus server.

When the resource monitor virtual machine is created, the bootstrap process automatically contacts the Let's Encrypt CA to provision TLS certificates for nginx. Nginx is configured to reverse proxy requests to Grafana over the standard HTTPS port (443) and, optionally, to the Prometheus server on the specified port. Grafana is automatically provisioned with the correct data source and a rich default dashboard for monitoring Batch Shipyard resources. Internally, a Batch Shipyard process runs alongside Grafana and the Prometheus server to enumerate any resources that have been specified to monitor. The "Batch Shipyard Heimdall" container encapsulates this functionality by either querying the Azure Batch service or Azure Resource Manager endpoints for the requested resources to monitor. No sensitive credentials are passed to the resource monitoring virtual machine. Instead, Batch Shipyard Heimdall uses Azure MSI to authenticate with Azure Active Directory using a service principal with least privilege to enumerate the specified resources to monitor. This information is then used to populate Prometheus service discovery. Once the Prometheus server begins to scrape metrics, then this data is available for visualization in Grafana.


In order to enable resource monitoring, there are a few configuration changes that must be made to enable this feature. You must enable a resource or set of resources to be monitored and then create the monitoring resource.

Azure Active Directory Authentication Required

Azure Active Directory authentication is required to enable monitoring. Additionally, in order to monitor a Batch pool, that pool must be joined to the same virtual network as the monitoring resource VM and thus must join a virtual network upon provisioning.

When executing the monitor create command, your service principal must be at least Owner or a custom role that does not prohibit the following action along with the ability to create/read/write resources for the subscription:

  • Microsoft.Authorization/*/Write

This action is required to enable Azure Managed Service Identity on the resource monitoring VM.

Monitored Resource Configuration

Batch pools and RemoteFS storage clusters can be monitored. Below explains the configuration required to enable each.

Pool Configuration

The following is a sample snippet for a Batch pool to be monitored. Note that this configuration must be applied prior to creation.

  # ... other settings
    # virtual network settings must be set
      enabled: true
      enabled: true

A virtual_network must be specified so the resource monitor can connect to the compute nodes in the Batch pool. Please see the virtual network guide for more information.

The prometheus section enables the Prometheus-compatible collectors to be automatically installed and configured. For Batch pools, two collectors are available:

  1. Node Exporter
  2. cAdvisor

It is recommended to enable both of these collectors if utilizing resource monitoring with Batch pool targets. Other prometheus options and more information can be found in the Pool configuration doc.

RemoteFS Configuration

The following is a sample snippet for a RemoteFS storage cluster to be monitored. Note that this configuration must be applied prior to creation.

  # ... other settings
    # virtual network settings must be set
      enabled: true

The prometheus section enables the Prometheus-compatible collectors to be automatically installed and configured. Only the Node Exporter collector is currently available for RemoteFS clusters. Other prometheus options and more information can be found in the RemoteFS configuration doc.

Resource Monitor Configuration

The resource monitoring virtual machine requires configuration to provision.

Credentials Configuration

Specifying the Grafana admin credentials are required in the credentials configuration. Below is a sample:

  # management settings required with aad auth
      # valid aad settings (or at the global level)
    subscription_id: # subscription id required
  # batch aad settings required if monitoring batch pools
      # valid aad settings (or at the global level)
    account_service_url: # valid batch service url
    resource_group: # batch account resource group
  # ... other required settings
        username: admin
        password: admin

Note that you can also use a KeyVault secret id for the password or store the credentials entirely within KeyVault. Please see the credentials configuration guide for more information.

Additionally, Azure Active Directory authentication is required under management and a valid subscription_id must be provided. Moreover, if monitoring Batch pools, Batch authentication must be through Azure Active Directory for joining a virtual network.

Monitor Configuration

The resource monitor must be configured according to the monitor configuration doc. Please refer to that guide for a full explanation of each monitoring configuration option.

Usage Documentation

The workflow for standing up a monitoring resource is creation followed by adding an applicable resources to monitor. Below is an example, assuming monitoring has been properly configured as per prior section guidance.

# create a resource monitor
shipyard monitor create
# note the FQDN emitted in the log at the end of the provisioning process

# create a Batch pool where work is to be performed
# this hypothetical pool id is mybatchpool
shipyard pool add

# add the Batch pool above as a resource to monitor
shipyard monitor add --poolid mybatchpool

After the monitor is added, you can point your web browser at the monitoring resource FQDN emitted above. Note that there will be a delay between monitor add and the resource showing up in Grafana.

You can remove individual resources to monitor with the command monitor remove. Once you have no need for your monitoring resource, you can either suspend it or destroy it entirely.

# remove the prior Batch pool monitor
shipyard monitor remove --poolid mybatchpool

# destroy the monitoring resource entirely
shipyard monitor destroy

Please see this page for in-depth documentation on monitor command usage.