Batch Shipyard Platform Image Support

The following table is a list of supported platform images for the Batch Shipyard release that is tied to the version of this documentation. Note that support outlined in this document is only for Batch Shipyard and is a subset of Marketplace images supported by the core Azure Batch service.


Publisher Offer Sku GPU IB/RDMA
OpenLogic CentOS 7.3 X
OpenLogic CentOS 7.4
OpenLogic CentOS-HPC 7.1 X
OpenLogic CentOS-HPC 7.3 X X


Publisher Offer Sku GPU IB/RDMA
Credativ Debian 8
Credativ Debian 9


SLES is not supported at this time.


Publisher Offer Sku GPU IB/RDMA
Canonical UbuntuServer 14.04.5-LTS
Canonical UbuntuServer 16.04-LTS X X (1)

(1) IB/RDMA for 16.04-LTS is only supported with a custom image. Please see the packer scripts and consult the custom image guide for information on how to create a compliant custom image.


Publisher Offer Sku GPU IB/RDMA
MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServer 2016-Datacenter-with-Containers
MicrosoftWindowsServer WindowsServerSemiAnnual Datacenter-Core-1709-with-Containers-smalldisk