Batch Shipyard Jobs Configuration

This page contains in-depth details on how to configure the jobs configuration file for Batch Shipyard.


The jobs schema is as follows:

- id: containerjob
  auto_complete: true
    abc: xyz
  max_task_retries: 1
  max_wall_time: 02:00:00
  retention_time: 1.12:00:00
  priority: 0
    default_pool_admin: true
      gid: 1001
      uid: 1001
    keep_alive: false
    pool_lifetime: job
      do_not_run_after: null
      do_not_run_until: null
      recurrence_interval: 00:05:00
      start_window: null
      allow_low_priority_node: true
      monitor_task_completion: false
      run_exclusive: false
  allow_run_on_missing_image: false
  remove_container_after_exit: true
  shm_size: 256m
  infiniband: false
  gpu: false
  - joblevelvol
  - joblevelsharedvol
    - job_id: someotherjob
      task_id: task-a
      - '*.txt'
      - wd/*.dat
      destination: null
    - storage_account_settings: mystorageaccount
      remote_path: jobcontainer/dir
      local_path: $AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/jobdata
      is_file_share: false
      - '*.tmp'
      - jobdata*.bin
      blobxfer_extra_options: null
  - task_factory:
          - ABC
          - '012'
          length: 2
          replacement: false
          iterable: ABCDEF
          length: 3
        - start: 0
          step: 1
          stop: 10
        - ab
        - '01'
            alpha: 1
            beta: 1
            lambda: 2
            alpha: 1
            beta: 1
            mu: 1
            sigma: 0.1
            mu: 1
            sigma: 0.1
            alpha: 1
            high: 1
            low: 0
            a: 0
            b: 1
            alpha: 1
            beta: 1
        generate: 3
          start: 0
          step: 1
          stop: 10
          storage_account_settings: mystorageaccount
          remote_path: container/dir
          is_file_share: false
          - '*.tmp'
          - '*.png'
        task_filepath: file_name
        - a
        - b
        - c
          abc: '012'
          def: '345'
        module: mypkg.mymodule
        package: null
      repeat: 3
    id: null
    docker_image: busybox
    singularity_image: shub://singularityhub/busybox
      cmd: exec
      elevated: false
    additional_singularity_options: []
    labels: []
      def: '123'
    ports: []
    - contdatavol
    - hosttempvol
    - azurefilevol
    - blob_source: https://some.url
      file_mode: '0750'
      file_path: some/path/in/wd/file
      - job_id: previousjob
        task_id: mytask1
        - '*.txt'
        - wd/output/*.bin
        destination: null
      - storage_account_settings: mystorageaccount
        remote_path: taskcontainer/output
        local_path: $AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR/taskdata
        is_file_share: false
        - '*.tmp'
        - taskdata*.bin
        blobxfer_extra_options: null
      - storage_account_settings: mystorageaccount
        remote_path: output/dir
        local_path: null
        is_file_share: false
        - '*.tmp'
        - 'out*.dat'
        blobxfer_extra_options: null
    remove_container_after_exit: true
    shm_size: 256m
    additional_docker_run_options: []
    infiniband: false
    gpu: false
    - taskid-a
    - taskid-b
    - taskid-c
    - 1
    - 10
    max_task_retries: 1
    max_wall_time: 03:00:00
    retention_time: 1.12:00:00
      num_instances: pool_current_dedicated
      - blob_source: https://some.url
        file_mode: '0750'
        file_path: some/path/in/sharedtask/file
    entrypoint: null
    command: mycommand

job_specifications array consists of jobs to create.

  • (required) id is the job id to create. If the job already exists, the specified tasks under the job will be added to the existing job.
  • (optional) auto_complete enables auto-completion of the job for which the specified tasks are run under. In non-native mode and when run with multi-instance tasks, this performs automatic cleanup of the Docker container which is run in detached mode. It is not necessary to set auto_complete to true with native container supported pools to clean up Docker containers with multi-instance tasks. However, it is not necessary to set auto_complete to true for Singularity-based multi-instance tasks. The default is false. If creating a job recurrence, utilizing auto_complete is one way to have recurrent job instances created from a schedule to complete such that the next job recurrence can be created.
  • (optional) environment_variables under the job are environment variables which will be applied to all tasks operating under the job. Note that environment variables are not expanded and are passed as-is. You will need to source the environment file $AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR/.shipyard.envlist in a shell within the Docker command or entrypoint if you want any environment variables to be expanded. This behavior does not apply to native container pools and Singularity images.
  • (optional) environment_variables_keyvault_secret_id under the job are environment variables stored in KeyVault that should be applied to all tasks operating under the job. The secret stored in KeyVault must be a valid YAML/JSON string, e.g., { "env_var_name": "env_var_value" }.
  • (optional) max_task_retries sets the maximum number of times that Azure Batch should retry all tasks in this job for. By default, Azure Batch does not retry tasks that fail (i.e. max_task_retries is 0).
  • (optional) max_wall_time sets the maximum wallclock time that the job can stay active for (i.e., time period after it has been created). By default, or if not set, the job may stay active for an infinite period. The format for this property is a timedelta with a string representation of "d.HH:mm:ss". Note that the job will transition to completed state after the the maximum wall clock time is reached along with termination of any running tasks.
  • (optional) retention_time sets the timedelta to retain any tasks directories under the job on the compute node where it ran after the task completes. The format for this property is a timedelta with a string representation of "d.HH:mm:ss". For example, "1.12:00:00" would allow the compute node to clean up all of the task directories under this job 36 hours after the task completed. The default, if unspecified, is effectively infinite - i.e., task data is retained forever on the compute node that ran the task.
  • (optional) priority is an integral number that indicates the job priority. Tasks within jobs with higher priority are run ahead of those with lower priority, however, tasks that are already running with lower priority are not preempted. Valid values are within the range of [-1000, 1000] and the default is 0.
  • (optional) user_identity property is to define which user to run the container as. By default, if this property is not defined, the container will be run as the root user. However, it may be required to run the container with a different user, especially if integrating with storage cluster and shared file systems. All first-level properties within user_identity are mutually exclusive of one another.
    • (optional) default_pool_admin specifies if the container should be run with the default pool (compute node) administrator user that Azure Batch automatically configures upon compute node start. This user will have passwordless sudo access.
    • (optional) specific_user specifies to run the container as a specific user.
      • (required) uid is the user id of the user
      • (required) gid is the group id of the user
  • (optional) auto_pool will create a compute pool on demand for the job as specified in the pool configuration. Note that storage resources required by Batch Shipyard may not be automatically cleaned up when using autopools. Utilizing jobs term or jobs del without any jobid scoping will attempt to clean up storage resources. Otherwise, you will need to use storage del or storage clear to clean up storage resources manually.
    • (optional) pool_lifetime specifies the lifetime of the pool. Valid values are job and job_schedule. job_schedule is only valid if the recurrence property is also specified. The default is job.
    • (optional) keep_alive specifies if the pool should be kept even after its lifetime expires. The default is false. Note that setting this value to false and setting auto_complete to true will automatically delete the compute pool once all tasks under the job complete.
  • (optional) recurrence will create a schedule to run the job and tasks at a set interval.
    • (required) schedule is the recurring schedule specification
      • (optional) do_not_run_until is a datetime specification that prevents the job from running until this date and time is reached. This string should be in a parseable date time format. The default is to run immediately (i.e., null).
      • (optional) do_not_run_after is a datetime specification that prevents the job from running after this date and time is reached. This string should be in a parseable date time format. The default has no limit (i.e., null).
      • (optional) start_window is the time window for when the job should be created according to this schedule to the maximum delta for which the job can be created. This is essentially the scheduling window for the job. If this property is non-null and the job cannot be created within this time window, then the job scheduling opportunity is forfeit until the next recurrence. The default is no limit (i.e., null). If the start_window exceeds the recurrence_interval then this is logically equivalent to setting the start_window to null. The format for this property is a timedelta with a string representation of "d.HH:mm:ss".
      • (required) recurrence_interval is the recurrence interval for the job. The format for this property is a timedelta with a string representation of "d.HH:mm:ss". The minimum value is 00:01:00 or 1 minute. Note that a recurring job schedule can only have at most one active job. If a prior recurrence of the job is still active when the next recurrence fires, no new job is created. An important implication is that even if you set this property to a minimum value of 1 minute, there may be delays in completing the job and triggering the next which may artificially increase the time between recurrences. It is important to set either the auto_complete or the job_manager:monitor_task_completion setting to true if your tasks have no logic to terminate or delete the parent job.
    • (optional) job_manager property controls the job manager execution. The job manager is the task that is automatically created and run on a compute node that submits the tasks at the given recurrence_interval.
      • (optional) allow_low_priority_node allows the job manager to run on a low priority node. The default is true. Sometimes it is necessary to guarantee that the job manager is not preempted, if so, set this value to false and ensure that your pool has dedicated nodes provisioned.
      • (optional) run_exclusive forces the job manager to run on a compute node where there are no other tasks running. The default is false. This is only relevant when the pool's max_tasks_per_node setting is greater than 1.
      • (optional) monitor_task_completion allows the job manager to monitor the tasks in the job for completion instead of relying on auto_complete. The advantage for doing so is that the job can move much more quickly into completed state thus allowing the next job recurrence to be created for very small values of recurrence_interval. In order to properly utilize this feature, you must either set your pool's max_tasks_per_node to greater than 1 or have more than one compute node in your pool. If neither of these conditions are met, then the tasks that the job manager creates will be blocked as there will be no free scheduling slots to accommodate them (since the job manager task occupies a scheduling slot itself). The default is false. Setting both this value and auto_complete to true will result in auto_complete as true behavior.
  • (optional) allow_run_on_missing_image allows tasks with a Docker image reference that was not pre-loaded on to the compute node via global_resources:docker_images in the global configuration to be able to run. Note that you should attempt to specify all Docker images that you intend to run in the global_resources:docker_images property in the global configuration to minimize scheduling to task execution latency.
  • (optional) remove_container_after_exit property specifies if all containers under the job should be automatically removed/cleaned up after the task exits. Note that this only cleans up the Docker container and not the associated Batch task. This defaults to true. This option only applies to Docker containers.
  • (optional) shm_size property specifies the size of /dev/shm in all containers under the job. The default is 64m. The postfix unit can be designated as b (bytes), k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). This value may need to be increased from the default of 64m for certain Docker applications, including multi-instance tasks using Intel MPI (see issue #8). This option only applies to Docker containers.
  • (optional) infiniband designates if all tasks under the job require access to the Infiniband/RDMA devices on the host. Note that this will automatically force containers to use the host network stack. If this property is set to true, ensure that the pool_specification property inter_node_communication_enabled is set to true. If this property is not set, it will default to true if the task is destined for an RDMA-enabled compute pool and inter_node_communication_enabled is set to true. This option has no effect on native container support pools as it is automtically enabled by the system.
  • (optional) gpu designates if all containers under the job require access to the GPU devices on the host. If this property is set to true, Docker containers are instantiated via nvidia-docker and the appropriate options are passed for Singularity containers. This requires N-series VM instances. If this property is not set, it will default to true if the task is destined for a compute pool with GPUs. This option has no effect on native container support pools as it is automatically enabled by the system.
  • (optional) data_volumes is an array of data_volume aliases as defined in the global configuration file. These volumes will be mounted in all containers under the job.
  • (optional) shared_data_volumes is an array of shared_data_volume aliases as defined in the global configuration file. These volumes will be mounted in all containers under the job.
  • (optional) input_data is an object containing data that should be ingressed for the job. Any input_data defined at this level will be downloaded for this job which can be run on any number of compute nodes depending upon the number of constituent tasks and repeat invocations. However, input_data is only downloaded once per job invocation on a compute node. For example, if job-1:task-1 is run on compute node A and then job-1:task-2 is run on compute node B, then this input_data is ingressed to both compute node A and B. However, if job-1:task-3 is then run on compute node A after job-1:task-1, then the input_data is not transferred again. This object currently supports azure_batch and azure_storage as members.
    • azure_batch contains the following members:
      • (required) job_id the job id of the task
      • (required) task_id the id of the task to fetch files from
      • (optional) include is an array of include filters
      • (optional) exclude is an array of exclude filters
      • (required) destination is the destination path to place the files
    • azure_storage contains the following members:
      • (required) storage_account_settings contains a storage account link as defined in the credentials config.
      • (required) remote_path is required when downloading from Azure Storage. This path on Azure includes either the container or file share path along with all virtual directories.
      • (required) local_path is required when downloading from Azure Storage. This specifies where the files should be downloaded to on the compute node. If you require ingressing to a shared file system location like a GlusterFS volume, then use the global configuration files property and the data ingress command.
      • (optional) is_file_share denotes if the remote_path is on a file share. This defaults to false.
      • (optional) include property defines optional include filters.
      • (optional) exclude property defines optional exclude filters.
      • (optional) blobxfer_extra_options are any extra options to pass to blobxfer.

The required tasks property is an array of tasks to add to the job:

  • (optional) task_factory is a way to dyanmically generate tasks. This enables parameter sweeps and task repetition without having to explicitly generate a task array with different parameters for the command. Please see the Task Factory Guide for more information.
    • (optional) parametric_sweep is a parameter sweep task factory. This has multiple modes of task generation and only one may be specified.
      • (optional) product is a potentially nested parameter generator. If one set of start (inclusive), stop (exclusive), step properties are specified (all required parameters), then a simple range of values are generated. In the example above, the integers 0 to 9 are provided as arguments to the command property. If another set of start, stop, step properties are specified, then these are nested within the prior set.
      • (optional) combinations generates length subsequences of parameters from the iterable. Combinations are emitted in lexicographic sort order.
        • (required) iterable is the iterable to generate parameters from
        • (required) length is the subsequence "r" length
        • (optional) replacement allows individual elements to be repeated more than once.
      • (optional) permutations generates length permutations of parameters from the iterable. Permutations are emitted in lexicographic sort order.
        • (required) iterable is the iterable to generate parameters from
        • (required) length is the subsequence "r" length
      • (optional) zip generates parameters where the i-th parameter contains the i-th element from each iterable.
    • (optional) random is a random task factory. This has multiple modes of task generation and only one may be specified.
      • (required) generate will generate N number of random values and thus N number of tasks
      • (optional) seed will initialize the internal state to the specified seed
      • (optional) integer will generate random integers
        • (required) start is the inclusive beginning of the random range
        • (required) stop is the exclusive end of the random range
        • (required) step is the stepping between potential random numbers within the range
      • (optional) distribution will generate random floating point values given a distribution. The distribution can be one of (please refer to the docs for required properties):
        • (optional) uniform for uniform distribution
        • (optional) triangular for triangular distribution
        • (optional) beta for beta distribution
        • (optional) exponential for exponential distribution
        • (optional) gamma for gamma distribution
        • (optional) gauss for Gaussian distribution
        • (optional) lognormal for Log normal distribution
        • (optional) pareto for Pareto distribution
        • (optional) weibull for Weibull distribution
    • (optional) file is a file-based task factory. This will generate a task for each file enumerated. The command should be keyword formatted with any combination of: file_path, file_path_with_container, file_name, or file_name_no_extension. Please see the Task Factory Guide for more information.
      • (required) azure_storage specifies the Azure Storage settings to use for the file task factory.
        • (required) storage_account_settings is the storage account link to enumerate files from
        • (required) remote_path is the remote Azure Storage path to enumerate files from.
        • (optional) is_file_share denotes if the remote_path is on a file share. This defaults to false.
        • (optional) include are include filters
        • (optional) exclude are exclude filters
        • (required) task_filepath specifies how to place the file relative to the task working directory (i.e., $AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR). This can be one of: file_path, file_path_with_container, file_name, or file_name_no_extension.
    • (optional) custom is a custom task factory where the logic for parameter generation exists in a custom Python module that can be imported at runtime. Please see the Task Factory Guide for more information.
      • (required) module specifies the Python module to import. This must be valid and resolvable by importlib. This module must define a generate generator function that is callable with *args and **kwargs. The generate generator function must yield an iterable to pass to the command for transformation.
      • (optional) package is required if module is specified in relative terms (i.e., the anchor for package resolution).
      • (optional) input_args are positional arguments to pass to the generate generator function.
      • (optional) input_kwargs are keyword arguments to pass to the generate generator function. This should be a dictionary where all keys are strings.
    • (optional) repeat will create N number of identical tasks.
  • (optional) id is the task id. Note that if the task id is null or empty then a generic task id will be assigned. The generic task id is formatted as dictated by the autogenerated_task_id setting in the global configuration; if this setting is not set, then by default the task id will be formatted as task-NNNNN where NNNNN starts from 00000 and is increased by 1 for each task added to the same job. If there are more than 99999 autonamed tasks in a job then the numbering is not padded for tasks exceeding 5 digits. This behavior can be controlled by the autogenerated_task_id setting in the global configuration. id should not be specified in conjunction with the task_factory property as ids will be automatically generated. A task id may not exceed 64 characters in length.
  • (optional) depends_on is an array of task ids for which this container invocation (task) depends on and must run to successful completion prior to this task executing.
  • (optional) depends_on_range is an array with exactly two integral elements containing a task id range for which this task is dependent upon, i.e., the start id and the end id for which this task depends on. Although task ids are always strings, the dependent task ids for ranges must be expressed by their integral representation for this property. This also implies that task ids for which this task depends on must be integral in nature. For example, if depends_on_range is set to [1, 10] (note the integral members), then there should be task ids of "1", "2", ... "10" within the job. Once these dependent tasks complete successfully, then this specified task will execute.
  • (required if using a Docker image) docker_image is the Docker image to use for this task
  • (required if using a Singularity image) singularity_image is the Singularity image to use for this task
  • (optional) singularity_execution defines the invocation pattern for the Singularity container. This option only applies to Singularity containers.
    • (optional) cmd is the singularity command to use. This can be either exec or run. The default is exec.
    • (optional) elevated if set to true will run the command elevated as root. The default is false.
  • (optional) additional_singularity_options are any additional options to pass to the singularity_cmd. This option only applies to Singularity containers.
  • (optional) name is the name to assign to the Docker container. If not specified, the value of the id property will be used for name. This option only applies to Docker containers.
  • (optional) labels is an array of labels to apply to the container. This option only applies to Docker containers.
  • (optional) environment_variables are any additional task-specific environment variables that should be applied to the container. For Docker non-native pools, note that environment variables are not expanded and are passed as-is. You will need to source the environment file $AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR/.shipyard.envlist in a shell within the Docker command or entrypoint if you want any environment variables to be expanded. This behavior does not apply to native container pools and Singularity images.
  • (optional) environment_variables_keyvault_secret_id are any additional task-specific environment variables that should be applied to the container but are stored in KeyVault. The secret stored in KeyVault must be a valid YAML/JSON string, e.g., { "env_var_name": "env_var_value" }.
  • (optional) ports is an array of port specifications that should be exposed to the host. This option only applies to Docker containers.
  • (optional) data_volumes is an array of data_volume aliases as defined in the global configuration file. These volumes will be mounted in the container. Volumes specified here will be merged with any job-level volumes specified.
  • (optional) shared_data_volumes is an array of shared_data_volume aliases as defined in the global configuration file. These volumes will be mounted in the container. Volumes specified here will be merged with any job-level volumes specified.
  • (optional) resource_files is an array of resource files that should be downloaded as part of the task. Each array entry contains the following information:
    • file_path is the path within the task working directory to place the file on the compute node.
    • blob_source is an accessible HTTP/HTTPS URL. This need not be an Azure Blob Storage URL.
    • file_mode if the file mode to set for the file on the compute node. This is optional.
  • (optional) input_data is an object containing data that should be ingressed for this specific task. This object currently supports azure_batch and azure_storage as members. Note for multi-instance tasks, transfer of input_data is only applied to the task running the application command.
    • azure_batch contains the following members:
      • (required) job_id the job id of the task
      • (required) task_id the id of the task to fetch files from
      • (optional) include is an array of include filters
      • (optional) exclude is an array of exclude filters
      • (optional) destination is the destination path to place the files. If destination is not specified at this level, then files are defaulted to download into $AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR.
    • azure_storage contains the following members:
      • (required) storage_account_settings contains a storage account link as defined in the credentials config.
      • (required) remote_path is required when downloading from Azure Storage. This path on Azure includes either the container or file share path along with all virtual directories.
      • (required) local_path is required when downloading from Azure Storage. This specifies where the files should be downloaded to on the compute node. Unlike the job-level version of input_data, this property can be ommitted. If local_path is not specified at this level, then files are defaulted to download into $AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR. Please note that you should not specify a location that is on a shared file system. If you require ingressing to a shared file system location like a GlusterFS volume, then use the global configuration files property and the data ingress command.
      • (optional) is_file_share denotes if the remote_path is on a file share. This defaults to false.
      • (optional) include property defines optional include filters.
      • (optional) exclude property defines optional exclude filters.
      • (optional) blobxfer_extra_options are any extra options to pass to blobxfer.
  • (optional) output_data is an object containing data that should be egressed for this specific task if and only if the task completes successfully. This object currently only supports azure_storage as a member. Note for multi-instance tasks, transfer of output_data is only applied to the task running the application command.
    • azure_storage contains the following members:
      • (required) storage_account_settings contains a storage account link as defined in the credentials config.
      • (required) remote_path is required when uploading to Azure Storage. This path on Azure includes either the container or file share path along with all virtual directories.
      • (required) local_path is required when uploading from Azure Storage. This specifies where the files should be uploaded from the compute node to Azure Storage. If this property is not specified, then source is defaulted to $AZ_BATCH_TASK_DIR.
      • (optional) is_file_share denotes if the remote_path is on a file share. This defaults to false.
      • (optional) include property defines optional include filters.
      • (optional) exclude property defines optional exclude filters.
      • (optional) blobxfer_extra_options are any extra options to pass to blobxfer.
  • (optional) remove_container_after_exit property specifies if the container should be automatically removed/cleaned up after it exits. This defaults to false. This overrides the job-level property, if set. This option only applies to Docker containers.
  • (optional) shm_size property specifies the size of /dev/shm in the container. The default is 64m. The postfix unit can be designated as b (bytes), k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes). This value may need to be increased from the default of 64m for certain Docker applications, including multi-instance tasks using Intel MPI (see issue #8). This overrides the job-level property, if set. This option only applies to Docker containers.
  • (optional) additional_docker_run_options is an array of addition Docker run options that should be passed to the Docker daemon when starting this container. The option only applies to Docker containers.
  • (optional) infiniband designates if this container requires access to the Infiniband/RDMA devices on the host. Note that this will automatically force the container to use the host network stack. If this property is set to true, ensure that the pool_specification property inter_node_communication_enabled is set to true. This overrides the job-level property, if set. It follows the same default behavior as the job-level property if not set.
  • (optional) gpu designates if this container requires access to the GPU devices on the host. If this property is set to true, Docker containers are instantiated via nvidia-docker and the appropriate options are passed for Singularity containers. This requires N-series VM instances. This overrides the job-level property, if set. It follows the same default behavior as the job-level property if not set.
  • (optional) max_task_retries sets the maximum number of times that Azure Batch should retry this task for. This overrides the job-level task retry count. By default, Azure Batch does not retry tasks that fail (i.e. max_task_retries is 0).
  • (optional) max_wall_time sets the maximum wallclock time for this task. Please note that if this is greater than the job-level constraint, then the job-level contraint takes precendence. By default, or if not set, this is infinite, however, please note that tasks can only run for a maximum of 7-days due to an Azure Batch limitation. The format for this property is a timedelta with a string representation of "d.HH:mm:ss".
  • (optional) retention_time sets the timedelta to retain the task directory on the compute node where it ran after the task completes. The format for this property is a timedelta with a string representation of "d.HH:mm:ss". For example, "1.12:00:00" would allow the compute node to clean up this task's directory 36 hours after the task completed. The default, if unspecified, is effectively infinite - i.e., task data is retained forever on the compute node that ran the task. This overrides the job-level property.
  • (optional) multi_instance is a property indicating that this task is a multi-instance task. This is required if the task to run is an MPI program. Additional information about multi-instance tasks and Batch Shipyard can be found here. Do not define this property for tasks that are not multi-instance. Additional members of this property are:
    • num_instances is a property setting the number of compute node instances are required for this multi-instance task. Note that it is generally recommended not to use low priority nodes for multi-instance tasks as compute nodes may be pre-empted at any time. This property can be any one of the following:
      1. An integral number. Note that if there are insufficient nodes to matching this number, the task will be blocked.
      2. pool_current_dedicated which is the instantaneous reading of the target pool's current dedicated count during this function invocation.
      3. pool_current_low_priority which is the instantaneous reading of the target pool's current low priority count during this function invocation.
      4. pool_specification_vm_count_dedicated which is the vm_count:dedicated specified in the pool configuration.
      5. pool_specification_vm_count_low_priority which is the vm_count:low_priority specified in the pool configuration.
    • coordination_command is the coordination command this is run by each instance (compute node) of this multi-instance task prior to the application command. This command must not block and must exit successfully for the multi-instance task to proceed. For Docker containers, this is the command passed to the container in docker run for multi-instance tasks. This Docker container will automatically be daemonized for multi-instance tasks running on non-native pools. This is optional and may be null. For Singularity containers, usually this property will be unspecified.
    • resource_files is an array of resource files that should be downloaded as part of the multi-instance task. Each array entry contains the following information:
      • file_path is the path within the task working directory to place the file on the compute node.
      • blob_source is an accessible HTTP/HTTPS URL. This need not be an Azure Blob Storage URL.
      • file_mode if the file mode to set for the file on the compute node. This is optional.
  • (optional) entrypoint is the property that can override the Docker image defined ENTRYPOINT. This option only applies to Docker containers.
  • (optional) command is the command to execute in the container context. If this task is a regular non-multi-instance task, then this is the command passed to the container context during docker run for a Docker container or to the singularity_cmd for a Singularity container. If this task is a multi-instance task under a Docker container, then this command is the application command and is executed with docker exec in the running Docker container context from the coordination_command in the multi_instance property. If this task is a multi-instance task under a Singularity container, then this command acts similar to a regular non-multi-instance task as no special run+exec behavior is needed with Singularity containers to achieve multi-instance execution. Thus, for multi-instance tasks with Singularity containers, this command is the actual command executed on the host without any modifications such as with a regular task (i.e., prepending with singularity exec). When executing a Singularity container under a multi-instance task, an additional environment variable is populated, SHIPYARD_SINGULARITY_COMMAND which can be used in custom scripts to control execution (note that this command will need to be expanded prior to use as it may contain other environment variables). This property may be null. Note that if you are using a task_factory for the specification, then task factory arguments are applied to the command. Therefore, Python-style string formatting options (excluding keyword formatting) are required for certain task factories that generate parameters to modify the command: {} positional, {0} numbering style, or {keyword} keyword style formatters are required depending upon the task_factory used. Please see the Task Factory Guide for more information.

Full template

A full template of a credentials file can be found here. Note that these templates cannot be used as-is and must be modified to fit your scenario.