Batch Shipyard Global Configuration

This page contains in-depth details on how to configure the global configuration file for Batch Shipyard.


The global config schema is as follows:

  storage_account_settings: mystorageaccount
  storage_entity_prefix: shipyard
  generated_sas_expiry_days: null
    prefix: task-
    zfill_width: 5
    enabled: true
      filename: encrypt.pfx
      passphrase: mysupersecretpassword
      sha1_thumbprint: 123456789...
    public_key_pem: encrypt.pem
  concurrent_source_downloads: null
    enabled: false
    compression: true
    direct_download_seed_bias: null
  - busybox
  - shub://singularityhub/busybox
        container_path: /abc
        bind_options: ro
        container_path: /hosttmp
        host_path: /tmp
        bind_options: rw
        volume_driver: azurefile
        storage_account_settings: mystorageaccount
        azure_file_share_name: myfileshare
        container_path: $AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/azfile
        - file_mode=0777
        - dir_mode=0777
        bind_options: rw
        volume_driver: glusterfs_on_compute
        container_path: $AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/glusterfs_on_compute
        volume_type: replica
        volume_options: []
        bind_options: rw
        volume_driver: storage_cluster
        container_path: $AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/nfs_server
        mount_options: []
        bind_options: ro
        volume_driver: storage_cluster
        container_path: $AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/glusterfs_cluster
        mount_options: []
        bind_options: null
  - destination:
        method: multinode_scp
        ssh_private_key: id_rsa_shipyard
        scp_ssh_extra_options: -c
        rsync_extra_options: ''
        split_files_megabytes: 500
        max_parallel_transfers_per_node: 2
      relative_destination_path: myfiles
      shared_data_volume: glustervol
      - '*.bak'
      - '*.dat'
      path: /some/local/path/dir
  - destination:
      storage_account_settings: mystorageaccount
        remote_path: container/dir
        is_file_share: false
        blobxfer_extra_options: null
      - '*.tmp'
      - '*.bin'
      path: /some/local/path/bound/for/storage
  - destination:
        method: rsync+ssh
        ssh_private_key: id_rsa_shipyard
        scp_ssh_extra_options: -c
        rsync_extra_options: -v
      relative_destination_path: relpath/on/host/test2
      - '*.tmp'
      - '*.bin'
      path: /another/local/path/dir

The batch_shipyard property is used to set settings for the tool:

  • (required) storage_account_settings is a link to the alias of the storage account specified, in this case, it is mystorageaccount. Batch shipyard requires a storage account for storing metadata in order to execute across a distributed environment.
  • (optional) storage_entity_prefix property is used as a generic qualifier to prefix storage containers (blob containers, tables, queues) with. If not specified, defaults to shipyard.
  • (optional) generated_sas_expiry_days property is used to set the number of days any non-resource file generated SAS key by Batch Shipyard is valid for. The default is effectively unlimited. This is useful if you want to set SAS keys are only valid for a preferred period of time.
  • (optional) autogenerated_task_id controls how autogenerated task ids are named. Note that the total length of an autogenerated task id must not exceed 64 characters.
    • (optional) prefix is the task prefix to use with the task id. This can be any combination of alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores. Empty string is permitted for the prefix. The default is task-.
    • (optional) zfill_width is the number of zeros to left pad the integral task number. This can be set to zero which may be useful for task dependency range scenarios in combination with an empty string prefix above. The default is 5.
  • (optional) encryption object is used to define credential encryption which contains the following members:
    • (required) enabled property enables or disables this feature.
    • (required) pfx object defines the PFX certificate
    • (required) filename property is the full path and name to the PFX certificate
    • (required) passphrase property is the passphrase for the PFX certificate. This cannot be empty.
    • (optional) sha1_thumbprint is the SHA1 thumbprint of the certificate. If the PFX file is created using the cert create command, then the SHA1 thumbprint is output. It is recommended to populate this property such that it does not have to be generated when needed for encryption.
    • (optional) public_key_pem property is the full path and name to the RSA public key in PEM format. If the PFX file is created using the cert create command, then this file is generated along with the PFX file. It is recommended to populate this property with the PEM file path such that it does not have to be generated when needed for encryption.
  • (optional) data_replication property is used to configure the internal image replication mechanism between compute nodes within a compute pool. The concurrent_source_downloads property specifies the number of nodes that can concurrently download the source images in parallel. The default, if not specified, is 10. The following options apply to peer_to_peer data replication options:
    • (optional) enabled property enables or disables private peer-to-peer transfer. Note that for compute pools with a relatively small number of VMs, peer-to-peer transfer may not provide any benefit and is recommended to be disabled in these cases. Compute pools with large number of VMs can benefit from peer-to-peer image replication. The default is false.
    • (optional) compression property enables or disables compression of image files. It is strongly recommended to keep this enabled. The default is true.
    • (optional) direct_download_seed_bias property sets the number of direct download seeds to prefer per image before switching to peer-to-peer transfer.
  • (required) global_resources property contains information regarding required container images, volume configuration and data ingress information. This property is required.
    • (optional) additional_registries specifies any additional registry login information to load on to the pool:
    • (optional) docker specifies a list of Docker registries to load. If these require login credentials, they must be specified in the credentials configuration file.
    • (optional) singularity specifies a list of Singularity registries to load. Currently this list is limited to 1 entry including any Docker Hub logins.
    • (required if using Docker) docker_images is an array of Docker images that should be installed on every compute node when this configuration file is supplied while creating a compute pool. Image tags are supported. Image names should be fully qualified including any registry server name prefix (unless it exists in Docker Hub and can be omitted). If you are referencing a private registry that requires a login, then you must add the credential for the registry in the docker_registry property in the credentials file. If this property is empty or is not specified, no Docker images will be pre-loaded on to compute nodes which will lead to increased task startup latency. It is highly recommended not to leave this property empty if possible. Note that if you do not specify Docker images to preload, you must specify allow_run_on_missing_image as true in your job specification for any tasks that reference images that aren't specified in this property.
    • (required if using Singularity) singularity_images is an array of Singularity images that should be installed on every compute node when this configuration file is supplied while creating a compute pool. Image tags are supported. Image names should be fully qualified including any registry server name prefix. Both shub:// and docker:// URI prefixes are supported. If you are referencing a private registry that requires a login, then you must add the credential for the registry in the singularity_registry property in the credentials file. If this property is empty or is not specified, no Singularity images will be pre-loaded on to compute nodes which will lead to increased task startup latency. It is highly recommended not to leave this property empty if possible. Note that singularity_images is incompatible with native container support enabled pools.
    • (optional) files property specifies data that should be ingressed from a location accessible by the local machine (i.e., machine invoking to a shared file system location accessible by compute nodes in the pool or Azure Blob or File Storage). files is a list of objects, which allows for multiple sources to destinations to be ingressed during the same invocation. Note that no Azure Batch environment variables (i.e., $AZ_BATCH_-style environment variables) are available as path arguments since ingress actions performed within files are done locally on the machine invoking Each object within the files list contains the following members:
      • (required) source property contains the following members:
        • (required) path is a local path. A single file or a directory can be specified. Filters below will be ignored if path is a file and not a directory.
      • (optional) include is an array of Unix shell-style wildcard filters where only files matching a filter are included in the data transfer.
      • (optional) exclude is an array of Unix shell-style wildcard filters where files matching a filter are excluded from the data transfer. Filters specified in exclude have precedence over filters specified in include.
      • (required) destination property contains the following members:
        • (required or optional) shared_data_volume or storage_account_settings for data ingress to a GlusterFS volume or Azure Blob or File Storage. If you are ingressing to a pool with only one compute node, you may omit shared_data_volumes. Otherwise, you may specify one or the other, but not both in the same object. Please see below in the shared_data_volumes for information on how to set up a GlusterFS share.
        • (required or optional) relative_destination_path specifies a relative destination path to place the files, with respect to the target root. If transferring to a shared_data_volume then this is relative to the GlusterFS volume root. If transferring to a pool with one single node in it, thus, no shared_data_volume is specified in the prior property, then this is relative to $AZ_BATCH_NODE_ROOT_DIR. To place files directly in $AZ_BATCH_NODE_ROOT_DIR (not recommended), you can specify this property as empty string when not ingressing to a shared_data_volume. Note that if scp is selected while attempting to transfer directly to this aforementioned path, then scp will fail with exit code of 1 but the transfer will have succeeded (this is due to some of the permission options). If this property is not specified for a shared_data_volume, then files will be placed directly in the GlusterFS volume root. This property cannot be specified for a Azure Storage destination (i.e., storage_account_settings).
      • (required) data_transfer specifies how the transfer should take place. The following list contains members for GlusterFS ingress when a GlusterFS volume is provided for shared_data_volume (see below for ingressing to Azure Blob or File Storage):
        • (required) method specified which method should be used to ingress data, which should be one of: scp, multinode_scp, rsync+ssh or multinode_rsync+ssh. scp will use secure copy to copy a file or a directory (recursively) to the remote share path. multinode_scp will attempt to simultaneously transfer files to many compute nodes using scp at the same time to speed up data transfer. rsync+ssh will perform an rsync of files through SSH. multinode_rsync+ssh will attempt to simultaneously transfer files using rsync to many compute nodes at the same time to speed up data transfer with. Note that you may specify the multinode_* methods even with only 1 compute node in a pool which will allow you to take advantage of max_parallel_transfers_per_node below.
        • (optional) ssh_private_key location of the SSH private key for the username specified in the pool_specification:ssh section when connecting to compute nodes. The default is id_rsa_shipyard, if omitted, which is automatically generated if no SSH key is specified when an SSH user is added to a pool.
        • (optional) scp_ssh_extra_options are any extra options to pass to scp or ssh for scp/multinode_scp or rsync+ssh/multinode_rsync+ssh methods, respectively. In the example above, -C enables compression and -c is passed to scp, which can potentially increase the transfer speed by selecting the cipher which can exploit Intel AES-NI.
        • (optional) rsync_extra_options are any extra options to pass to rsync for the rsync+ssh/multinode_rsync+ssh transfer methods. This property is ignored for non-rsync transfer methods.
        • (optional) split_files_megabytes splits files into chunks with the specified size in MiB. This can potentially help with very large files. This option forces the transfer method to multinode_scp. Note that the destination file system must be able to accommodate up to 2x the size of files which are split. Additionally, transfers involving files which are split will incur reconstruction costs after the transfer is complete, which will increase the total end-to-end ingress time. However, in certain scenarios, by splitting files and transferring chunks in parallel along with reconstruction may end up being faster than transferring a large file without chunking.
        • (optional) max_parallel_transfers_per_node is the maximum number of parallel transfer to invoke per node with the multinode_scp/multinode_rsync+ssh methods. For example, if there are 3 compute nodes in the pool, and 2 is given for this option, then there will be up to 2 scp sessions in parallel per compute node for a maximum of 6 concurrent scp sessions to the pool. The default is 1 if not specified or omitted.
      • (required) data_transfer specifies how the transfer should take place. When Azure Blob or File Storage is selected as the destination for data ingress, blobxfer is invoked. The following list contains members for Azure Blob or File Storage ingress when a storage account link is provided for storage_account_settings:
        • (required) remote_path is required when uploading to Azure Storage. This property is the full path to the storage resource, including the container or file share name and all virtual directories. The container or file share need not be created beforehand.
        • (optional) is_file_share specifies if the destination is a Azure File Share rather than an Azure Blob Container. The default is false.
        • (optional) blobxfer_extra_options are any extra options to pass to blobxfer. Please run blobxfer -h to see available extra options that may be pertinent to your scenario.
    • (optional) volumes property can consist of two different types of volumes: data_volumes and shared_data_volumes. data_volumes can be of two flavors depending upon if host_path is set to null or not. In the former, this is typically used with the VOLUME keyword in Dockerfiles to initialize a data volume with existing data inside the image. If host_path is set, then the path on the host is mounted in the container at the path specified with container_path.
      • (required) host_path host path to bind
      • (optional) container_path container path to map to the host path. If not specified, the same host_path is used in the container.
      • (optional) bind_options are the bind options to use, typically one of ro for read-only, rw for read-write. If unspecified or null, this defaults to rw.
    • (optional) shared_data_volumes property defines persistent shared storage volumes. In the first shared volume, shipyardvol is the alias of this volume:
      • volume_driver property specifies the Docker Volume Driver to use. Currently Batch Shipyard supports azurefile, glusterfs_on_compute or storage_cluster as the volume_driver. Note that glusterfs_on_compute is not a true Docker Volume Driver. For this volume (shipyardvol), as this is an Azure File shared volume, the volume_driver should be set as azurefile.
      • storage_account_settings is a link to the alias of the storage account specified that holds this Azure File Share.
      • azure_file_share_name is the name of the share name on Azure Files. Note that the Azure File share must be created beforehand, the toolkit does not create Azure File shares, it only mounts them to the compute nodes.
      • container_path is the path in the container to mount.
      • mount_options are the mount options to pass to the mount command. This option is ignored on Windows pools. It is recommended to use 0777 for both file_mode and dir_mode on Linux pools as the uid and gid cannot be reliably determined before the compute pool is allocated and this volume will be mounted as the root user.
      • (optional) bind_options are the bind options to use, typically one of ro for read-only, rw for read-write. If unspecified or null, this defaults to rw.

Note that when using azurefile for a shared data volume, the storage account that holds the file share must reside within the same Azure region as the Azure Batch compute pool. Attempting to mount an Azure File share that is cross-region will result in failure as current Linux Samba clients do not support share level encryption at this time.

The second shared volue, glustervol, is a GlusterFS network file system. Please note that glusterfs_on_compute are GlusterFS volumes co-located on the VM's temporary local disk space which is a shared resource. Sizes of the local temp disk for each VM size can be found here. If specifying a glusterfs_on_compute volume, you must enable internode communication in the pool configuration file. These volumes have the following properties:

  • (required) volume_driver property should be set as glusterfs_on_compute.
  • (required) container_path is the path in the container to mount.
  • (optional) volume_type property defines the GlusterFS volume type. Currently, replica is the only supported type.
  • (optional) volume_options property defines additional GlusterFS volume options to set.

glusterfs_on_compute volumes are mounted on the host at $AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/.gluster/gv0. Batch Shipyard will automatically replace container path references in direct and storage-based data ingress/egress with their host path equivalents.

Note that when resizing a pool with a glusterfs_on_compute shared file systems that you must resize with the pool resize command in and not with Azure Portal, Batch Labs or any other tool.

The third shared volume, nfs_server is an NFS server that is to be mounted on to compute node hosts. The name nfs_server should match the remote_fs:storage_cluster:id specified as your NFS server. These NFS servers can be configured using the fs command in Batch Shipyard. These volumes have the following properties:

  • (required) volume_driver property should be set as storage_cluster.
  • (required) container_path is the path in the container to mount.
  • (optional) mount_options property defines additional mount options to pass when mounting this file system to the compute node.

The fourth shared volume, glusterfs_cluster is a GlusterFS cluster that is mounted on to compute node hosts. The name glusterfs_cluster should match the remote_fs:storage_cluster:id specified as your GlusterFS cluster. These GlusterFS clusters can be configured using the fs command in Batch Shipyard. These volumes have the following properties:

  • (required) volume_driver property should be set as storage_cluster.
  • (required) container_path is the path in the container to mount.
  • (optional) mount_options property defines additional mount options to pass when mounting this file system to the compute node.

Finally, note that all volumes can be omitted completely along with one or all of data_volumes and shared_data_volumes if you do not require this functionality.

Full template

A full template of a credentials file can be found here. Note that these templates cannot be used as-is and must be modified to fit your scenario.